"American politicians (and not only) are tired of the existence of the conflict in Ukraine, which complicates all relations ... The issue of arms supplies, possible conflicts arises," the Post explained.

Of course, there are those who benefit from the tense situation in eastern Ukraine, the political scientist said.

At the same time, there are politicians who are interested in constructive relations with Russia and resolving conflicts, including regional ones, said the interlocutor of RT.

He also stressed that the behavior of US President Joe Biden demonstrates a desire and readiness to look for approaches to solving problems.

“Among the Republicans, there are people for whom a certain stability is still important,” concluded the Post.

In his opinion, "sober people understand that they need to stop somehow."

Earlier, Republican Congressman Matt Goetz said in an interview with Real America's Voice that he was not against the entry of the Russian-speaking part of Ukraine into Russia.

As noted by RIA Novosti, according to Goetz, in the event of such a scenario, US sanctions will look absolutely ridiculous due to the economic independence of Moscow.