The World Health Organization is sounding the alarm on the health situation in the Old Continent.

The WHO expressed concern in a statement released Tuesday, November 23 about the "grip" of the Covid-19 pandemic in Europe, estimating that it could be the cause of 700,000 more deaths in the continent, by spring 2022. If this scenario holds true, it would bring the total number of deaths there to 2.2 million.

"Hospital beds can be expected to be under high or extreme pressure in 25 countries and high or extreme pressure in intensive care units in 49 out of 53 countries by March 1, 2022 Cumulative reported deaths are expected to reach more than 2.2 million by next spring, based on current trends, ”the organization said in a statement.

Currently, more than 1.5 million people have died from Covid-19 in the region.

For the WHO, the increase in cases is explained by the combination of the prevalence of the highly contagious Delta variant, insufficient vaccination coverage and the relaxation of anti-Covid-19 measures.

According to its data, deaths linked to the pandemic have more than doubled since the end of September, from 2,100 per day to nearly 4,200 dailies.

"The situation related to Covid-19 across Europe and Central Asia is very serious. We are facing a challenging winter," said WHO Regional Director for Europe Hans Kluge, calling to adopt a "vaccine plus" approach, combining vaccination, wearing a mask, hygiene measures and distancing.

According to the WHO, wearing a mask reduces the incidence of the disease by 53%.

A generalization of its use up to 95% could prevent more than 160,000 deaths by March 1.

In addition, "it is increasingly evident that the protection induced by vaccination against infections and mild forms is declining", noted the WHO.

The institution therefore recommends a booster for the most vulnerable, including the immunocompromised.

With AFP

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