<Anchor> The

US consumer price index rose the most in 31 years. In particular, the rise in oil prices is so dangerous that lawmakers are suggesting that the strategic stockpiles be released.

Correspondent Kim Soo-hyung reports from Washington.


It is not an exaggeration to say that in the United States, shopping is scary.

[Caldwell / Grocery Store User: Salmon has risen by $2. It went from $10.99 to $12.99. It has become expensive.]

Compared to a year ago, beef has increased by 20%, bacon by 15%, and eggs by 12%. 

The biggest increase was the price of oil.

That's a whopping 59% increase.

[Posh / Driver: Oil prices have risen unreasonably. In particular, the lower and middle class are suffering because they cannot afford the price.]

Last month, the consumer price index rose 6.2%, the largest increase in 31 years.

President Biden has said that his top priority is to stop inflation.

[Biden/President of the United States: Consumption prices have risen too much. That's why it's important that we do all-out warfare to keep our supply chains stable.]

To calm oil prices, 11 Democrats in Democrats have suggested to President Biden to release strategic stockpiles or ban crude oil exports.

Even lawmakers are demanding such intensive measures because oil prices have a direct impact on the problem of living.

President Biden's approval rating is at record lows day after day as the logistics crisis and soaring prices overlap.

(Video coverage: Park Eun-ha, video editing: Lee Seung-hee)