Ahn Cheol-soo, chairman of the People's Party, will officially announce his candidacy tomorrow (the 1st of next month).

Accordingly, the early race for the March 9th next year's presidential election is expected to start in a four-way structure between the candidates of the Democratic Party, People's Power, Justice Party, and People's Party.

The People's Party announced today that Ahn will hold a ceremony to declare his candidacy in front of the fountain in the National Assembly's lawn plaza tomorrow at 10 am.

The candidacy declaration ceremony will begin with three young people in their 20s and 30s giving a relay speech with the keywords safety, future, and fairness, and will end with a Q&A with reporters after President Ahn announces his candidacy.

This is Ahn's third presidential challenge.

In 2012, as an independent, he was pushing for unification with Democratic Party candidate Moon Jae-in, but dropped out.

The People's Party Public Official Election Candidate Recommendation and Management Committee (Government Committee) is accepting candidates for the presidential election for two days from today.

Candidate Ahn's sole candidacy is strong, and the party's mission committee will decide on the party candidate through a schedule such as a pressure interview.

With Ahn's official appearance, the next presidential election will be decided on a four-party structure based on the party's party, including Democratic Party presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung, People's Strength candidate in the primary election, and Justice Party candidate Shim Sang-jung.

If you add Kim Dong-yeon, former Deputy Prime Minister of Economy, who is in the process of creating a 'New Wave', it seems to be more than a five-way structure.

Right now, the political interest seems to be whether Ahn will unify with the People's Power candidate or the 3rd Zone candidate.

Representative Ahn ran for the mayor of Seoul on April 7 and unified the candidate with Oh Se-hoon at the time of the People's Power.

Ahn has recently raised the level of criticism against the opposition parties, saying, "The presidential election is becoming an election that selects a king who will destroy the opposing camp, not the president."

For the time being, CEO Ahn seems to focus on the reader's move to inform his vision while keeping a distance from the unification discussion.

By declaring the candidacy before the People's Power presidential candidate is elected (November 5), there is an analysis that he is trying to subdue the baseline in the initial competition with the People's Power candidate.

In particular, it is said that there is a 'counterfeiting' character in that November 1, when the candidacy is declared, is the day when the voting of the Electoral College of the People's Power main election begins.

In this process, the main variable is how Ahn's approval ratings flow.

If a significant approval rating of 5% or more is obtained in the opinion poll, the demand for unification of the people's power internally may increase.

A key official of the People's Party said, "I will emphasize that in the grim reality of the Republic of Korea, Representative Ahn is the only leader who can present a vision for the future."

(Photo = National Assembly Photo Reporters, Yonhap News)