
China has decided to make a so-called historical resolution next month to declare that a new era has begun. It is intended to raise President Xi Jinping to the ranks of Mao Zedong, and ahead of this, sanctions are being imposed on foreign companies and songs that are against Chinese sentiment.

This is Beijing Correspondent Ji-Sung Kim.


This is a new camera advertisement released in June by the Chinese subsidiary of Sony, a Japanese electronics company.

It is supposed to be released on July 7th at 10pm.

However, on this day, this time coincides with the Japanese invasion of China in 1937.

Sony released wireless earphones on December 13, 2019, on the anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre, when Japanese soldiers brutally murdered Chinese.

The Chinese authorities have imposed a fine of 180 million won on Sony for violating the advertising law, claiming that it has damaged the dignity of the country.

Chinese netizens even posted a parody advertisement urging them to launch a new product on the day the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan.

A Chinese song sung by a Malaysian and Australian singer was also banned.

It is a content that criticizes China in a roundabout way under the title 'Glass Heart'.

[Song 'Glass Heart': You don't listen to others. You see the world as an enemy.] The

CCP will hold a 'historical resolution' at the Central Committee plenary session from the 8th to the 11th of next month

.We plan to evaluate the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party and declare the beginning of a new era.

It is analyzed that they are aiming for internal unity by encouraging patriotism ahead of this.

There are only two 'historical resolutions' during the Mao and Deng Xiaoping eras, and it is predicted that this will elevate the status of President Xi Jinping to the level of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping.

(Video coverage: Choi Duk-hyun, video editing: Lee Seung-yeol, CG: Shin So-young, video source: YouTube Billy Billy)