Welcome to episode 181 of the Objection podcast.

The Polish Constitutional Court is shaking the foundations of European integration: The politically occupied court fundamentally questions the primacy of European law and forbids the European Court of Justice to deal with the controversial judicial reforms.

Is the Polexit threatened now?

We are talking about this with Reinhard Veser, the FAZ's Eastern Europe expert

Helene Bubrowski

Political correspondent in Berlin.

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In the podcast we also deal with the BDS movement, which the Bundestag has classified as anti-Semitic in a resolution.

The Berlin Administrative Court has now dismissed the action brought by BDS supporters who felt that their rights had been violated.

It is worth looking at the court's arguments; they are interesting, both legally and politically.

There is also a little lighter fare: The StVO amendment has arrived, it passed the Federal Council two weeks after the federal election - pure coincidence, of course….

We can hear the podcast right here or on YouTube.


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