As he noted in the conversation, the idea of ​​the US withdrawal from Afghanistan was one of the few that was shared by both the former President of the United States, Donald Trump, and the current American leader Joe Biden.

“This, in my opinion, is one of the few examples where Biden and Trump agree on which policies to follow: they both wanted to leave Afghanistan, both ignored the consequences, which, I think, in the opinion of many, can

was to be foreseen.

Biden took the Trump deal (in many ways flawed) and essentially incorporated it into his own policies.

He ignored the recommendations of senior advisers from the Pentagon, the State Department and the White House, ”he said.

According to Bolton, the consequences of this decision are obvious to everyone, in particular, the return of Afghanistan under the control of the radical Taliban * movement, as well as an increase in the likelihood of foreign terrorists returning to the country, who "will again use Afghanistan as a base for planning terrorist operations around the world." ...

“On the part of the United States, this is a retreat in terms of the international arena.

And this is the course that Biden has believed in at least since 2009.

And the irony here again is that Trump believed in him.

I believe that this is a mistake on the part of the United States, that this is a mistake from the point of view of world stability, and this is certainly a mistake as far as the people of Afghanistan are concerned, ”he concluded.

At the end of August, a spokesman for the US Department of Defense, General Kenneth Mackenzie, announced the completion of the evacuation of American troops from Afghanistan and the end of the US military mission in the country.

* "Taliban" - the organization was recognized as terrorist by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 02.14.2003.