The US Navy's Seawolf-class nuclear-powered submarine, the Connecticut, is said to have collided with an unidentified object in the Indo-Pacific region.

The US Navy issued a press release on the 7th local time and reported that the Connecticut collided with a specific object while operating in the Indo-Pacific high seas on the afternoon of the 2nd.

The Navy said there were no human-threatening injuries, and emphasized that the safety of the crew is the Navy's top priority.

He added that the submarine is in a safe and stable condition and that the nuclear propulsion facility is not affected and the submarine is fully operational.

The Associated Press reported, citing two naval officials, that the Connecticut collided with an unidentified object during normal operations.

It's not clear what the collision object was, but he pointed out that it wasn't a submarine and could possibly be a sunken vessel or container.

(Photo = U.S. Navy website capture, Yonhap News)