In recent months, two surveillance cameras have been set up at the travel center and at the intersection between Karlskronagatan and Nygatan in the city center.

The measure was taken after a time when several crimes were committed in Ronneby, including several robberies, and the cameras have been filmed around the clock in order to increase security.

- The cameras have had a dampening effect since we got them up, to some extent they provide security and help us in criminal investigations, says Richard Hagvärn, who is acting local police area chief.

Are removed

But now the surveillance cameras are gone again.

The temporary permit of 90 days expired and a new application must be sent to the police camera section.

- The process is ongoing for new cameras.

Ideally, we want permanent cameras that can be supplemented with some temporary cameras as well.

The hope is that they will be in place by the end of the year or the beginning of next, says Richard Hagvärn.

How will it go this autumn without surveillance cameras in central Ronneby?

- I think it will go well.

We have police personnel on site and have increased our visibility.

The cameras are a complement to the regular operations, says Richard Hagvärn.

More cameras also in Karlskrona

At the same time, camera surveillance is also being expanded in Karlskrona.

- This applies to areas where we notice a higher frequency of crime and insecurity.

It's about Kronotorp, Kungsmarken and the city center and we want cameras in place as soon as possible, says Richard Hagvärn.