Earlier, public figures of the Federal Project for Security and the Fight against Corruption (FPBK) sent an appeal to the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to check the work of Yarmysh, which contains a description of lesbian bed scenes and instructions on smoking hashish.

The police will now investigate whether the book contains LGBT and drug propaganda.

“I think that Kira Yarmysh will not escape responsibility.

It remains only to understand what will be the responsibility - criminal or administrative.

We insist that Yarmysh should be brought to criminal responsibility, ”said Vitaly Borodin, head of the FPBK.

On August 16, the court found Kira Yarmysh guilty of “inciting violation of sanitary and epidemiological rules” and sentenced her to one and a half years in prison.

On August 27, her defense filed an appeal, but without waiting for a decision on it, Yarmysh, according to an RT source, left Russia.