In the Garifuna language

, barely spoken by half a million people and as impossible to decipher as the Choctaw of the American Indians in the Great War, it

was written in the summer of 91

. Spain danced to the Honduran son of African slaves mixed with the Caribbean population, as so many times, without knowing what they were singing.


Watanegui consup Iupipati Iupipati Wuli Wani Wanaga


[I want to have soup, I want to continue enjoying it. A little for you, a little for me], was

the recipe

for Snail Soup

that Banda Blanca gave us 30 years ago.

The time that almost everything does, even if you weren't born.

We fell in love with a strange language, but

Umbral wrote in Spanish in this almost fresh newspaper

, with fresh ink.



summer sonata

marked the pleasures and the days of some salty

black girls

, Marbella, now unviable to publish, scrutinized the column by the mine of stocks of political correctness, and told us that "

Gunila [von Bismarck]

has assimilated us so much to the Spanish that it is now like a fax from

Cayetana Alba

with worse Spanish and better tits. "

He spoke from hearsay.



, the hub of

jet set operations

, he coined the concept of




is manners) and he only liked

the monocle detachments of his friend

Jaime de Mora y Aragón


If now the debate and envy are provoked by the yacht and the company of

C. Tangana

, 30 years ago it was the



of that fat mayor / promoter who presided over

Atlético de Madrid

. The rapper will not be given the program that they did then. On July 13 of that Honduran summer,

Telecinco premiered

The nights of such and such

, presented by Gil and Gil.

Although the

Snail Soup

, a rhythm exported from the urban jungle of San Pedro Sula, invited to shake the waist, a Nobel -

Camilo José Cela

- shook a chronicler -

Jesús Mariñas

- to keep the honor of his new beloved,

Marina Castaño

. "Get ready, I'm going to give you a gift," he told the photographer

Bernardo Paz

seconds before explaining it to the person who ran the chronicle rose.

And if these months of Taliban heat are Afghan, those left the Soviet dust of decomposition.

Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan made their maps obsolete after unilaterally becoming independent from a USSR smelling of mothballs and the whiff of vodka from the sock of

Boris Yeltsin

, who would soon preside over a new Russian Federation.




- the Chilean ones were still made by

Hugo Sánchez



- erupted like no other


in the 20th century the same summer that Induráin irrigated French ports with his pedals for the fifth consecutive year.



five summers, five joules fucking the nap of a nation that zealously glued its eyelids to its eyebrows in front of the TV and arrived tired at night, when

Ana Obregón


Chábeli Iglesias


Leticia Sabater

presented the networks' programs private and incipient where the Puleva shakes were announced by

Emilio Aragón

, who was not yet a family doctor.


The summer wedding was that of



Patricia Rato

in a church in Espartinas almost at


: the bullfighter who dominated the ranks during those seasons and

Rodrigo Rato's


were secretly married on July 7. A few days later,

Prince Carlos and Lady Di

celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary and

Infanta Elena

gave it her all at the wedding of

Felipe de Wurttemberg


María Carolina de Baviera



featured on the cover.

It was not yet paddle tennis, but "


, in italics and in quotation marks, a posh sport that mixes tennis and beating mattresses, and was practiced by Doña

Pilar de Borbón


Cover of 'Ten Minutes' from August 30, 1991


Thyssen barons

did not go to their home in Mallorca that summer, they stayed in Madrid, but

Miguel Boyer


Isabel Preysler

(who was fired in Marbella with a standing ovation that vacation) did go to Menorca.

The Filipina already dominated the roost, as she told

Julio Iglesias

in that phone call with which she left him.

One of the covers of the summer was for the vacations of

Isabel Pantoja


Encarna Sánchez

, who went together to the beach to spread cream.



, "the women who marked the style of our time" were

Julia Roberts, Judit Mascó


Claudia Schiffer


Cover of 'Hello!'

of July 25, 1991.

Camilo Sesto

told how "women ask me for more children" and

Prince Felipe

, who was no longer with

Isabel Sartorius


He kissed

Inés Sastre

on the forehead


30 years ago, I eat almost everything.

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