(Fighting New Coronary Pneumonia) The world's daily increase in confirmed cases exceeds 700,000 Delta rages and worsens the epidemic in many countries

  China News Agency, Beijing, August 19th. Comprehensive news: The latest data from the official website of the World Health Organization shows that as of 16:06 on the 18th Central European Time, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new crown worldwide reached 208,470,375, and the cumulative number of deaths was 4,377,979.

  According to statistics from the Worldometer website on the 19th, there were 703,811 new confirmed cases and 10449 new deaths worldwide in a single day.

Data show that the United States, Brazil, Iran, India, and the United Kingdom are the five countries with the largest number of new confirmed cases.

The United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, and Russia are the five countries with the highest number of new deaths.

On August 9, local time, in Canada, staff in protective clothing guided inbound passengers to go through relevant procedures.

Americas: Increasing number of cases in the United States exceeds 150,000, announcing the opening of booster vaccination

  Statistics from Johns Hopkins University in the United States show that there were more than 150,000 newly confirmed cases in the United States on the 18th, with a total of nearly 37.13 million confirmed cases and a total of nearly 625,000 deaths.

According to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Delta strain infections accounted for nearly 99% of the new confirmed cases in the United States during the week from August 8 to August 14.

The data also shows that the age of patients has changed significantly, and the hospitalization rate of patients with new crowns between 30 and 39 years old has reached a record high.

  The US Department of Health issued a statement on the 18th that the new crown vaccine booster vaccination program will be launched in the fall. It is planned to provide booster shots to all Americans starting from September 20. The new crown vaccine can be fully vaccinated 8 months after Pfizer or Modena. Receive booster injections.

  Brazil added 41,714 new confirmed cases of new crown on the 18th, with a total of 20,457,897 confirmed cases, and a total of 571,662 deaths.

The Rio de Janeiro municipal government issued a notice on the 18th, requiring all civil servants to be vaccinated against the new crown, otherwise they will face warnings, suspension or even dismissal. All government departments that resume face-to-face offline office only allow civil servants who have completed the new crown vaccination to enter the office.

  According to a report from the Argentine Ministry of Health on the 18th, there were 9764 new confirmed cases in the country in a single day, a total of close to 5.11 million confirmed cases, 247 new deaths, and a total of close to 110,000 deaths.

  According to data released by the Mexican Ministry of Health on the 18th, the country has 28,953 new confirmed cases in a single day, with a total of more than 3.15 million confirmed cases, 940 new deaths, and a cumulative total of more than 250,000 deaths.

On May 21, as the new crown epidemic eased and vaccination spread, many places such as the German capital Berlin began to allow restaurants and bars to operate outdoors.

Europe: Severe outbreaks in many countries dominate Delta virus infections

  Data released on the British government website on the 18th showed that in the past 24 hours, there were 33,904 newly confirmed cases in the UK, with a total of close to 6.36 million confirmed cases and a total of more than 130,000 deaths.

The number of hospitalized patients in the past 7 days was 5,623, an increase of 4.3% from the previous week.

  According to British media reports, the British government is considering starting to provide the most vulnerable groups with a booster shot of the new crown vaccine in September, but some experts have pointed out that newly confirmed and hospitalized cases mainly occur in people who have not been vaccinated.

The latest data on vaccination in the United Kingdom shows that the number of people who have completed two doses of vaccination in the UK currently accounts for 77.5% of the adult population, and the number of people who have received one dose accounts for 89.6% of the adult population.

  According to data released by the French Ministry of Health on the 18th, in the past 24 hours, there were 28,405 new confirmed cases in France, more than 6.53 million confirmed cases, and more than 110,000 deaths. The positive rate of the new coronavirus test was 3.4%.

The latest vaccination data show that nearly 46.93 million people in France have received at least one dose of the new crown vaccine, accounting for 69.6% of the total population. More than 40.15 million people have been fully vaccinated, accounting for 59.6% of the total population.

  According to data released by the Robert Koch Institute, a German disease control agency, on the 18th, there were 8,324 newly confirmed cases in a single day in Germany, setting a new high in the number of new confirmed cases in a single day since May this year.

Delta strains account for 98% of infections.

After months of deliberation and evaluation, the German Permanent Vaccination Committee changed its previous cautious attitude and recommended that all teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17 be vaccinated against the new crown.

  Russia added 20,914 confirmed cases on the 18th, with a total of more than 6.66 million confirmed cases and a total of more than 170,000 deaths.

At present, Moscow, St. Petersburg and other places are severely affected areas.

  According to the Russian Satellite News Agency, authoritative experts in the field of microbiology in Russia have called for the traceability of the new crown virus to be carried out on a global scale, including verification of biological laboratories in developed countries such as the United States.

In recent years, biological laboratories in the United States have been exposed to accidents many times, and the United States must confess to the world how it controls biological research activities.

Asia: Japan's epidemic reaches its worst level in 40 places, India’s new crown vaccine appears fake

  According to a report from Japan’s NHK TV station, Japan’s new confirmed cases were 23,917 on the 18th, a new high since the outbreak, including 5,386 new cases in Tokyo, 2021 new cases in Kanagawa, and 2,296 new cases in Osaka. The total number of confirmed cases is close to 1.21 million. There were 15529 deaths in total.

The number of prefectures in which the epidemic situation has reached the most serious "level 4 infection outbreak" has increased from 31 in the previous week to 40.

  Japan’s "Asahi Shimbun" reported on the 18th that the peak of the epidemic in Japan has not yet arrived, and the number of infected and severely ill patients is rising, and medical resources in various regions are becoming more and more tense. At least 25 prefectures have had a bed occupancy rate of more than 50%. , Kanagawa, Okinawa and other places have exceeded 80%.

  According to data released by the Indian Ministry of Health on the 18th, in the past 24 hours, India had 35,178 new confirmed cases and 400 new deaths. The cumulative number of confirmed cases was close to 32.29 million, and the cumulative number of deaths exceeded 430,000.

  According to reports, India’s main Covishield vaccine has now been injected with more than 486 million doses.

India and African countries have recently seized a batch of suspected Covishield vaccine from the market. The manufacturer of the vaccine and the Serological Institute of India have confirmed that the batch of vaccines are indeed fakes.

The Indian government has not yet issued an official statement.

Some local media reported that the Indian Ministry of Health is investigating the matter.

  According to a report from the Ministry of Health of Vietnam on the 18th, in the past 24 hours, the country has newly confirmed 8656 cases, a total of 301,957 confirmed cases, and a total of 6,770 deaths.

A total of 15,518869 doses of vaccines have been vaccinated.

According to the Vietnam News Agency, Hanoi will conduct the second round of 1 million nucleic acid tests on high-risk areas and 13 groups of high-risk groups from the 18th to the 20th.

Africa: Kenyan epidemic worsens, national curfew extended for 60 days

  The Kenyan Presidential Palace announced on the 18th that a report from the Ministry of Health of Kenya showed that due to the failure of the people to strictly abide by various epidemic prevention measures and the strong transmission ability of the delta mutant strain, the number of people infected with the new crown virus has increased in many places in the country.

Last week, the positive rate of testing in 8 regions exceeded 30%.

In order to curb the further development of the epidemic, Kenyan President Kenyatta announced that the national curfew will be extended for another 60 days and public gatherings including political gatherings and campaign activities will be suspended for 60 days.

  At present, Kenya has a total of 224,400 confirmed cases of new crown and a total of 4,378 deaths.
