As Shapovalov noted, one can already observe critical remarks about the American leader Joe Biden, but this volume "is not comparable with the orgy that was happening during the presidency of Donald Trump."

“When absolutely any of his decisions, any words he said were subjected to harsh criticism and insults against the president by the majority of American journalists.

Now, of course, the American expert community and journalists who sympathize with Biden will try to find excuses for the actions of the American president, I do not exclude that there will even be an initiative to nominate Joe Biden for the Nobel Peace Prize ... in Afghanistan, "the expert explained in an interview with RT. 

At the same time, the political scientist added that now we can expect a variety of scenarios of US behavior regarding the situation in Afghanistan. 

“We must not forget that American foreign policy is extremely cynical ... There is always a possibility, even without establishing direct contacts, to use this situation to whip up tensions in the region, given that the neighboring countries of Afghanistan are both Iran and Russia and China belong to the rival countries of the United States, and the creation of a zone of constant instability and controlled chaos here can also be a real scenario for the United States, ”he concluded.

Earlier, in a televised address, Biden announced his readiness to be criticized for the decision to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan, but insists on the correctness of this step.