Chinanews, August 9th, a comprehensive report, on the 8th local time, the Taliban in Afghanistan occupied Talukan, the capital of Tahar Province in northeastern Afghanistan. This was the third capital city of Afghanistan announced by the Taliban that day.

Recently, the US has dispatched bombers and armed helicopters to attack the Taliban.

The US media pointed out that although the White House set a deadline for withdrawal of troops on August 31, if the Taliban continue to advance to the capital of Kabul, US President Biden may order the continued air strikes in Afghanistan.

Data map: Near a campaign rally attended by Afghan President Ghani, an improvised explosive device on a car exploded, killing at least 24 people and injuring dozens of others.

The Taliban captured the capitals of three provinces in one day

  Taliban spokesman Mujahid said on social media on the 8th that the Taliban had captured the city of Talukan, the capital of Tahar Province.

  According to reports, a member of the security forces in Afghanistan said: “This afternoon, after the government failed to send assistance, we retreated from the city.” At the same time, a resident of the city revealed: “We saw security forces and officials riding in a convoy. Leave the city."

  According to reports, this is the third capital city that the Taliban announced in one day.

Earlier on the same day, the Taliban occupied the capital of Kunduz, Afghanistan, and the northern city of Sarpur.

  Recently, the unstable situation in Afghanistan has increased.

Biden has stated that the US military mission in Afghanistan will end on August 31.

However, since the U.S. military began to withdraw in May, the Afghan government forces have been unable to withstand the fierce offensive of the Taliban, which has occupied about half of Afghanistan’s territory and is currently launching attacks on more provincial capitals.

Data map: US President Biden.

Will the U.S. send bombers continue to intervene in the conflict?

  According to reports, Biden has ordered the dispatch of B-52 bombers to fly from an air base in Qatar to Afghanistan in an attempt to attack Taliban targets.

  However, the "New York Times" quoted a US official as saying that the Taliban's recent series of military victories did not prompt Biden to reconsider the decision to withdraw troops.

But the current situation shows how difficult it is for Biden to end this 20-year-long war while insisting that he will not give up Afghanistan.

  According to reports, the Taliban’s siege strategy showed that the US military’s assists “appeared to have failed”.

Former U.S. Central Command Commander Volter stated that the current U.S. air strikes are designed to slow the Taliban and create breathing space for the Afghan government.

  The US military and the White House are currently in disagreement as to whether the US military will continue to launch air strikes on Afghanistan after August 31. US government officials said that if the format is not good, at the end of August, Secretary of Defense Austin and the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Milly will propose to Biden that the US military should continue to launch air strikes in September.