• Government crisis Carmen Calvo leaves the Executive and Nadia Calviño will be first vice president

  • Cabinet Iván Redondo leaves the Government and Pedro Sánchez places Óscar López as his new Chief of Cabinet

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has carried out this Saturday a "strong" remodeling of the Executive that only affects the socialist part.

Sánchez prints a new turn to the Government, in which he seeks to provide it with a political and economic profile.

The five ministers of United We Can will continue in office.

These are the names of the protagonists of the

government crisis


Carmen Calvo leaves the Executive

Carmen Calvo, former Vice President of the Government, JJ GUILLÉNEFE

Carmen Calvo, until now first vice president, leaves the Executive.

Until now number two of the Executive has starred in strong confrontations in recent months, especially due to its disagreements with the laws promulgated by the Minister of Equality

Irene Montero


She will be replaced in office by the hitherto Second Vice President and Minister of Economic Affairs,

Nadia Calviño


Nadia Calviño, new number two

The new Vice President of the Government, Nadia Calviño.ZIPIEFE

Nadia Calviño, head of Economic Affairs, and who will now be

number two.

Yolanda Díaz goes from third vice president to second vice president.

His confrontations with the Minister of Labor are sounded since last December, on account of the freezing of the Interprofessional Minimum Wage (SMI), a debate in which Sánchez put himself in profile.

Yes Calviño had the support of the president last May, after Diaz affirmed that the Executive "is going to repeal the labor reform of the PP."

Félix Bolaños, new Minister of the Presidency

The new Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños.JAVIER BARBANCHO

A party man,

Félix Bolaños,

until now Secretary General of the Presidency, assumes the Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory, the position occupied by

Carmen Calvo

Strut of the PSOE of Madrid, the Sánchez federation, is a man of the highest confidence of the Prime Minister, who has been entrusted with such sensitive tasks as the negotiation to form the coalition government, the exhumation of Franco, the negotiation with the PP to renew the Judiciary ...

Iván Redondo, end of Sánchez's right hand

The up to now Chief of Staff of Pedro Sánchez, Iván Redondo.EDUARDO PARRAEUROPA PRESS

Iván Redondo will cease to be director of the Cabinet of the Prime Minister.

The, until now, all-powerful right hand of Pedro Sánchez leaves his post to the socialist

Óscar López


Redondo's departure is in good harmony with Sánchez, according to sources familiar with the changes.


spin doctor

of the chief executive exercised a notable influence on the socialist leader, and was in charge of coordinating the entire government, in addition to having the rank of first secretary of state.

Óscar López, new Chief of Staff

Sánchez's new chief of staff, Óscar López.PABLO REQUEJO

The secretary of organization of the

PSOE Óscar López

will assume the position of Chief of Staff of Pedro Sánchez, who has also been joined by a great friendship since the 90s.

Juan Carlos Campo, out of Justice

Until now Minister of Justice Juan Carlos Campo.EFE

Juan Carlos Campo

leaves the Ministry of Justice.

A magistrate by profession, he obtained a place in the Criminal Chamber of the National Court in 2019. He is not a deputy in Congress.

Arancha González Laya leaves Foreign

Former Foreign Minister, Arancha González Laya.JAVIER SORIANOAFP

The Foreign Minister, Arancha González Laya, leaves the Government in the middle of the diplomatic crisis with


Laya was questioned about the decision to treat the leader of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, in Spain, sick with coronavirus, in a hospital in Logroño.

His reception in Spain, which took place in secret, opened a deep diplomatic crisis with Morocco.

At this time there was no dialogue with his counterpart in the Alawite kingdom, Nasser Bourita.

José Manuel Albares assumes diplomacy

The new Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares.EM

José Manuel Albares

, currently ambassador of




and former Secretary General of Foreign Affairs in the Moncloa team, will be the new justice minister.

His name already rang for the position a year and a half ago but Pedro Sánchez's commitment to Laya precipitated his departure to Paris.

Isabel Celaá, outside of Education

Former Minister of Education Isabel Celaá.FERMÍN CABANILLASEFE

The government's most questioned minister,

Isabel Celaá

, leaves the Cabinet after approving her questioned Lomloe, which was approved by the Cortes in December last year.

The strong response that the

Celaá Law

has received

has worn down the minister to the point that she has not been able to continue even with the curriculum or with the royal decree of evaluations, pending review by the State School Council.

Pilar Alegría, new Minister of Education

The new Minister of Education, Pilar Alegría.ÁNGEL NAVARRETE

Pilar Alegría

, current government delegate in Aragó, will replace Celaá at the head of Education.

Alegría was Minister of Innovation, Research and University of the Aragonese Government between 2015 and 2019.

Miquel Iceta, new Minister of Culture

The new Minister of Culture and Sports, Miquel IcetaJ.


Another minister with political weight who is still in the Government is Miquel Iceta, but this time to change portfolio.

The leader of the PSC was in charge of dialogue with the communities as head of Territorial Policy.

Now he will assume Culture and Sports.

Just at the moment when the dialogue table with the Generalitat should be opened and when Sánchez wants to champion the "reunion agenda", the Catalan socialist leader is removed from the department that should lead this regional dialogue.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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