According to a new book:

Trump: Hitler 'did a lot of good things'

Trump spoke positively about Hitler.


A journalist in the "Wall Street Journal" quoted former US President Donald Trump as saying during an official visit to France in 2018, that Adolf Hitler "did a lot of good things."

This phrase, which Trump denied that he had said, was received, according to excerpts from the book published on Wednesday, by the former president on the sidelines of his visit to Europe on the occasion of the centenary of the end of the First World War.

In his book entitled "Frankly, we won this election," the American journalist, Michael Bender, asserts that the former president said this positive talk about Hitler during an "improvised lesson in history" given to Trump at the time by then White House chief of staff John Kelly.

According to the book, Kelly, a former general in the United States Marine Corps, would then “remind the president on which side each country was on during the conflict,” and he would explain to him how “World War I led to World War II, as well as about All the atrocities (permitted by) Hitler.”

According to the book, Kelly, who was "stunned" by what Trump said about the Fuhrer, "told the president that he was wrong, but Trump remained on his position," and he defended him by talking about the economic boom that Germany witnessed under the leadership of the Nazi Party in the 1930s.

According to the journalist who reported this information, citing unnamed sources, the White House chief of staff responded to Trump by saying: "You can't talk positively about Adolf all."

In his book, Bender says that Trump "has a terrible ignorance of history," especially its chapters on slavery and racial segregation in the United States.

During his visit to France in 2018, Trump sparked controversy when he canceled a visit he was scheduled to make to the American cemetery in the Belleau Forest, about 100 km northeast of Paris, which contains the remains of American soldiers killed during the First World War.

On that day, Trump justified his decision not to visit the cemetery by saying that the weather was not safe to go to by helicopter, as was planned.

But the Atlantic newspaper said at the time that Trump canceled the visit because he did not see any benefit in it.

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