"Full breasts and fat buttocks" good health?

Be careful when you encounter a good "pregnancy"

  It is said that breasts and buttocks are good for health, but they don't know that this may make the road to childbearing more difficult. Once the investigation is done, it is polycystic ovary syndrome.

Why is it so abhorrent, and what clues remind you to be entangled by it, what is it that "seduce" it, and how to subdue it?

On July 3, at the 2021 Practical Gynecological Endocrinology Training Project and the Seminar on Gynecological Endocrine Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies of Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University and the Jinling Women’s Health High-level Forum, gynecological endocrinologists suggested that the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome requires multiple disciplines. Take the same approach to welcome a good "pregnancy".

Case: I thought "full breasts and fat buttocks" is good for health, but I didn't expect to become a "blocker" on the road to a good pregnancy.

  32-year-old Ms. Li (surnamed Hua) has been married for three years, but there is no good news for a long time.

When her mother-in-law saw her thick waist and round hips, she felt that she would soon "bloom and bear fruit". However, she didn't expect her body to be getting fatter and she didn't expect to be "pregnant". The Department of Gynecology and Endocrinology Multidisciplinary Diagnosis and Treatment Center of Zhongda Hospital checked to see what the problem was. Deputy Chief Physician Peng Danhong accepted her.

After questioning and examination, it was found that Ms. Li had only had a menstrual period for 3-4 months, her BMI index reached 35, and she was seriously overweight.

She also found that she had a lot of black hairs and was accompanied by acne.

Comprehensive examination results and symptoms, it turns out that the culprit of these is polycystic ovary syndrome.

  And the most serious is that Ms. Li's endometrial thickening and atypical hyperplasia were also found, which is the manifestation of endometrial precancerous lesions.

Therefore, the uterus must be "raised" first. Under the guidance of the deputy chief physician Peng Danhong, Ms. Li underwent 2 courses of related drug treatment.

At the same time, Chief Physician Jin Hui, director of the Clinical Nutrition Department, formulated a fat reduction plan for her, and Dr. Hou Zhenghua from the Psychiatric Department provided psychological intervention and counseling for her.

When the body was "ready", Ms. Li started to use drugs to promote ovulation, and finally ushered in exciting good news.

"Pregnant!" Now that the child is over 2 years old, she has begun active treatment to prepare her second child for pregnancy.

  Data: 50%-80% of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome will experience infertility

  Peng Danhong, deputy chief physician, said that polycystic ovary syndrome accompanies women throughout the entire period. It is common in puberty, women of childbearing age, and perimenopausal. It is a disease caused by complex endocrine and metabolic abnormalities.

The incidence rate in women of childbearing age is about 5%-10%, and 50%-80% of people with polycystic ovary syndrome will have infertility.

  According to experts, there is no clear cause of polycystic ovary syndrome, and it is mainly affected by heredity and environment.

And the impact of this environment must start with eating.

The diet and living environment of modern people are polluted to varying degrees. They live in their homes and live by food delivery, and the number of steps per day is even less than a hundred steps. This lifestyle may bring you "round and round".

Coupled with the high intensity of life and work, the pressure is getting greater and greater. Once the work and rest are irregular, it is easy to endocrine imbalance and disrupt the endocrine system, which gives polycystic ovary syndrome an opportunity.

  Be alert: obesity, hirsutism, irregular menstruation, infertility, behind or polycystic ovary syndrome

  What are the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome?

According to Deputy Chief Physician Peng Danhong, abnormal menstruation is one of the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome.

Some patients have oligomenorrhea, and most patients with polycystic ovary syndrome have longer and longer menstrual cycles and less and less menstrual volume. In severe cases, early amenorrhea may be possible.

There are also some patients whose menstruation is like a faucet that is not closed tightly. They are always ticking and not clean and lasting for a long time. Some patients have menstruation frequently.

The general menstrual cycle is 21-35 days. If it is not in this time period, it is recommended to go to the hospital for investigation.

  Obesity is a sign of many patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. Experts suggest that inexplicably rapid weight gain should be paid attention to. This "full breasts and fat buttocks" is not a sign of good health, and may also hide diseases.

In addition, under the influence of androgens, the white and tender skin is covered with "black hair", and the powerful hair removal cream is also helpless.

Acne often develops on the face, back, and chest, which is also a cause for vigilance. This is caused by excessive testosterone levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

  These are just changes in appearance, and what is more terrifying is the effect of "blooming and bearing fruit."

Due to ovulation disorders in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, there is no mature egg, no matter how brave the sperm is, it is impossible to produce a healthy fertilized egg.

Even if patients with polycystic ovary syndrome become pregnant, their hormones are unstable, the development of the gestational sac and the endometrium are not synchronized, and the function is not coordinated, which leads to an increased risk of miscarriage.

  Be vigilant: not only infertility, but also cancer

  According to experts, the ovaries of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome are filled with more than 10 follicles. Because there is no prenatal and postnatal care, none of the follicles can mature, they cannot ovulate, cannot produce progesterone, and they have no regular menstruation, and they cannot conceive.

If you stay in this state for a long time, estrogen continuously stimulates the growth of the endometrium, but without the protection of progesterone, the endometrium cannot fall off, which can easily cause endometrial lesions and even endometrial cancer.

  In addition, patients with polycystic ovary syndrome will have increased insulin in the blood, and will further develop insulin resistance, so they are prone to diabetes and obesity, as well as cardiovascular-related diseases.

Maybe you have not yet reached old age, your body will be old, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases may come to you in advance.

  Countermeasures: Multidisciplinary joint scientific diagnosis and treatment to win "pregnancy"

  According to the well-known obstetrics and gynecology expert and chief physician Ren Mulan of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Zhongda Hospital, patients with polycystic ovary syndrome have many problems and require a multidisciplinary approach.

For the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Clinical Nutrition, Department of Psychiatry, Reproductive Center, Department of Ultrasound Medicine, Medical Imaging Department of Zhongda Hospital customizes personalized treatment plans for patients. In addition to treating gynecological endocrine problems, fat loss and psychotherapy are performed at the same time.

"Although patients with polycystic ovary syndrome have a low chance of getting pregnant, they still have the possibility of getting pregnant on their own because they can ovulate sparsely." Experts pointed out.

Under normal circumstances, after the patient's hormone level is adjusted to a normal level, ovulation-stimulating drugs are needed to get pregnant.

If patients who have ovulated but are not pregnant after the standard ovulation stimulation cycle treatment for more than 6 months, you can also try assisted reproductive technology.

  Experts remind that for girls of adolescence and childbearing age, do not ignore the signals sent by your body, especially menstrual conditions.

In the event of irregular menstrual cycle, oligomenorrhea, menopause, etc., you should go to the hospital for investigation in time to avoid more serious consequences.

Correspondent Liu Min Cheng Shouqin Yangtze Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Yang Yan