On July 2, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a regular press conference. A reporter asked: China has always regarded vaccines as a global public product, providing vaccine assistance or exporting vaccines to many countries, and conducting joint research and development and cooperative production with developing countries.

Can China further introduce the role of Chinese vaccines in global anti-epidemic cooperation?

  In this regard, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said that since the outbreak, China has firmly upheld the "first attribute" of vaccines as a global public product, and has done its best to supply the international community with huge demand and tight supply of vaccines. With more than 480 million doses of vaccine, it is the country that provides the most vaccines in the world.

The footprint of China's vaccines covers five continents around the world. Up to now, China has provided vaccines to nearly 100 countries.

China has announced that it will provide the first batch of 10 million doses of vaccine to the New Coronary Pneumonia Vaccine Implementation Plan (COVAX).

  The Chinese vaccine is the first batch of vaccines obtained by many developing countries. These countries vividly call the Chinese vaccine "timely rain".

President Obiang of Equatorial Guinea said that Chinese vaccines bring hope to the local anxious battlefield against the epidemic.

President Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe said that the vaccine donated by China is like the light at the end of the tunnel.

Chilean President Piñera stated that China's vaccines are safe and effective. Through vaccination, we are working hard to reduce the infection rate, hospitalizations and deaths of new coronary pneumonia in Chile.

Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Brown and other politicians said that the Chinese vaccine has proven its effectiveness and safety, and will make a positive contribution to the early realization of herd immunity in Antigua and Barbuda.

  Wang Wenbin pointed out that China has also carried out joint R&D and cooperative production with many developing countries, and supported relevant companies to cooperate with foreign parties to carry out phase III clinical trials.

Chinese vaccines have gained a good reputation in the international community, and their safety and effectiveness have been widely recognized. At present, more than 100 countries have approved the use of Chinese vaccines.

The WHO has included the vaccines of Sinopharm Group and Kexing Company in the emergency use list.

More than 30 foreign leaders took the lead in vaccinating China.

  Wang Wenbin emphasized that China will continue to contribute to the realization of the accessibility and affordability of vaccines in developing countries within its capacity.

We also hope that all qualified countries in the world can act as soon as possible, fulfill their promises as soon as possible, and make their due contributions to promoting the equitable distribution and use of vaccines in the world and promoting global cooperation in the fight against the epidemic.

(Produced by Lu Huiqian)

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]