The departure has sounded.

American and NATO troops have definitely left the Bagram air base, an American defense official told AFP on Friday (July 2), saying that the withdrawal of all foreign forces present in Afghanistan is imminent. 

"All coalition forces have left Bagram," the official said on condition of anonymity.

He did not specify the precise moment of the withdrawal from this base, located 50 kilometers north of Kabul, or indicate the date on which it will be officially returned to the Afghan army. 

After 20 years of presence, NATO announced on April 29 the start of the withdrawal of its troops, thus paving the way for a period of immense uncertainty for Afghanistan, still in the throes of violence. 

Taliban offensive 

United States President Joe Biden has set a deadline for the American withdrawal on September 11, the 20th anniversary of the attacks that led Washington to overthrow the Taliban regime that housed al-Qaeda jihadists. 

This withdrawal has so far been carried out with full force, fueling speculation that it may have ended as early as July. 

Since early May, the Taliban have launched several major offensives across the country, as government forces strive to consolidate their positions in more urban areas. 

Their ability to maintain control of the Bagram air base will be crucial in preserving the neighboring capital, Kabul, and in maintaining pressure on the Taliban. 

For decades, this base has been essential to the US intervention in Afghanistan, where the conflict against the Taliban and their al-Qaida allies was waged through airstrikes and supply missions from this airport. .  

With AFP

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