It was on February 2 this year that four people are said to have been involved in the assault where the plaintiff was seriously injured in an apartment just outside central Luleå.

The next day, the police's preliminary investigation leader Inge Barsk said that there were clear external and visible injuries to the victim.

Got internal bleeding

The beating was carried out with blows, kicks and blows to the head and the victim sustained, among other things, life-threatening injuries with a fracture with bleeding in connection with the meninges.

The quintet that is judged:

  • Man in the age of 35, imprisonment for 2 years and 6 months for, among other things, aggravated assault and aggravated unlawful threats

  • Man in the age of 25, imprisonment for 2 years and 6 months for, among other things, aggravated assault and aggravated unlawful threats

  • Man in the age of 25, imprisonment for 2 years and 6 months for, among other things, aggravated assault and aggravated unlawful threats

  • Man in his 25s, jailed for one year for aiding and abetting aggravated assault

  • Man in his 20s, imprisonment for 14 days for unlawful threats

Threatened with weapons

The district court considers the two serious crimes, the assault and the threat, to be ruthless and planned.

Regarding the illegal threat, weapons in the form of a pistol, or pistol-like objects, must have been used and in that part of the indictment there was also a female plaintiff.

The verdict can be appealed to the Court of Appeal no later than 19 July.