
Chemnitz / Leipzig (dpa / sn) - The Saxon police registered significantly fewer operations on Ascension Day on Thursday than in previous years.

The police departments unanimously reported on Friday in connection with the so-called men's day of a quiet incident.

"Due to the bad weather and the existing corona regulations, only a few people were to be found on the streets," said the report from the Leipzig police department.

However, he also notes four injured police officers.

You were attacked in Delitzsch by a drunk 21-year-old man and had to be treated on an outpatient basis.

In total, the Leipzig police recorded more than 400 missions.

In the area of ​​the Zwickau police department, 55 missions were more than half less than in the previous year (123).

For the most part it was about disturbances of the peace, but there were also isolated cases of property damage, bodily harm and violations of the Corona Protection Ordinance.

The Chemnitz police were called, among other things, to a group of rampaging young men in Zwönitz.

The Görlitz police recorded three reports of resistance to law enforcement officers.

But here, too, the peacefulness of most of the men in celebratory mood prevailed: "Most of the people we met were traveling peacefully in small groups and adhered to the regulations," it said.


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