
Bozen / Trieste (dpa) - In the tourism industry in northern Italy, after the relaxation of the Corona, the anticipation of vacationers is growing.

In South Tyrol, official bodies in Bolzano advertised a safe holiday with the help of special free nostril tests, with which locals and visitors receive a corona pass.

This also offers access to the rooms of restaurants, cinemas and theaters.

Otherwise in Italy you can almost only eat outside.

In the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, according to media reports, many Adriatic towns opened thousands of parasols on Friday.

With the action, the region wanted to advertise a 130-kilometer coastline in the northeast of the boot, as the Ansa news agency wrote.

Outdoor swimming pools and beach bathing establishments throughout Italy are allowed to reopen from the weekend.

In the Alpine region of South Tyrol, the authorities introduced their regional Corona passport at the end of April.

It is similar to a Green Passport planned in the EU for free travel for vaccinated, convalescent and tested people.

The nostril tests, which are offered free of charge in numerous municipalities in the autonomous province, are only valid in South Tyrol, according to the information.


All over Italy, the Corona quarantine will no longer apply to holidaymakers from Germany and other European countries after arrival on Sunday.

Before the pandemic, tourism contributed 13 percent to economic power in the Mediterranean country.

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Information on the South Tyrol Pass from the authorities


Information for South Tyrol from Bolzano about the regional Corona pass

Action with umbrellas in the northeast, Ansa;


Trieste news about the parasol campaign;
