
Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - The anti-Semitic riots in North Rhine-Westphalia will be the topic of a current hour in the state parliament next week.

The CDU and FDP as well as the opposition factions SPD and Greens submitted a joint motion on Friday for the debate, which is expected in plenary on Thursday or Friday.

"It makes us angry that more than three quarters of a century after the end of the Shoah in the jubilee year of 1700 years of Jewish life in Germany, Jewish institutions are under police protection, have to be for security reasons," says the motion.

Again and again, Jews would have to endure being molested, insulted and even physically attacked in the middle of Germany.

The consequences of the bombing of Israel by Hamas "will be carried to the heart of North Rhine-Westphalia".

Anti-Semitism cannot be assigned to a specific population group, it said.

"It is found equally in all strata of our society."

The state parliament will not tolerate anti-Semitism.

A constructive-critical discourse about the decisions of the Israeli state government is nevertheless possible.


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