According to the region's award decision, the security school has "committed serious errors in professional practice" and "a significant breach of contract" and therefore excluded the security company from the new procurement, which instead went to Avarn Security - despite it becoming almost SEK 100,000 more expensive per month.

Stops the agreement

Until now, the region's officials have not explained what the wording stands for and the documents that SVT has requested have been classified.

But at the same time, Väktarskolan has appealed the region's decision to the administrative court because the company believes that the region's exclusion lacked a legal basis and for not having been treated in an equal and non-discriminatory manner.

On Friday, the administrative court decided that the region may not enter into an agreement regarding the procurement until the court has decided otherwise.

The Administrative Court thus stops the procurement of the monitoring of the region's activities in Luleå, Sunderbyn, Boden, Piteå and Kalix pending judicial review.

"I am victorious"

The guard school's CEO Patrik Nicklasson is satisfied with the decision on the procurement, which according to him is worth six to seven million kronor in nine months.

- The Administrative Court has obviously come to the realization that the procurement did not proceed correctly.

I am confident of victory and I am convinced that the court will give us the right and that we will be rehabilitated, he says.

But what happens now?

- Yes, the region has the right to procure directly for SEK 470,000, but that is only enough for a few weeks of surveillance.

How they will handle it is up to the region to decide.

SVT has sought regional director Anna-Stina Nordmark Nilsson, without succeeding in reaching her.