
Berlin (dpa / bb) - You are said to have brought an elderly couple with falsified documents for a property worth around three million euros: Against two brothers who are said to belong to a large family of Arab origin, as well as a lawyer and a businessman, the Fraud trial started in a particularly serious case.

The four men between the ages of 35 and 55 initially remained silent on Friday after the indictment was read out on the allegations.

The accused and a separately persecuted man are said to have instigated the alleged fraud from May 2019.

The aim was to get the property - a piece of land built on with an apartment building in Berlin-Friedrichshain - with forgeries and then to sell it on for six to seven million euros, according to the indictment.

The 35- and 36-year-old brothers should have received 50 percent in the event of a realized profit.

With forged documents, the accused are said to have obtained the transfer of the property to a GmbH founded by them specifically for this purpose.

By deceiving the land registry officials, the alleged sale was entered in the land register in November 2019 and ownership was thereby transferred, according to the indictment.


The public prosecutor assumes that a separately prosecuted notary certified an alleged sale at a price of 250,000 euros in July 2019.

The accused lawyer had acted as a representative of the couple, who were almost 80 years old at the time, during the certification process.

The senior citizens had no knowledge of what was going on, the prosecutor said.

The charge is also for forgery and indirect false certification.

Three of the men were arrested during a raid on the clan milieu in December 2020 and have been in custody ever since.

In the land register, the real estate company is still listed as the alleged owner of the property, but the public prosecutor's office has secured the house, it said on the edge.

The trial will continue on May 21.

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