• Coronavirus: 8,085 new cases with 287,026 swabs and 201 deaths


May 14, 2021

The updated situation in Italy and in the world

The situation of the pandemic in Italy, with data from the ministry of health.

Today there are 7,567 new cases with 298,186 swabs and 182 victims.

Yesterday there were 8,085 cases with 287,026 swabs (rate at 2.8%) and 201 victims.



, 1,160 new infections have been recorded in the last 24 hours.

In Campania 1,118 positives and 24 deaths

There are 1,118 positive cases for Covid in the last 24 hours in Campania out of 17,687 molecular swabs examined. The contagion curve is slightly up: yesterday the incidence rate was 5.93%, today it is 6.32%. 24 people died and 1,893 recovered. With regard to the situation of hospitals, the number of beds occupied in intensive care continues to decline, today 102 and yesterday 105, like those in hospital which today are 1247 while yesterday they were 1285.

Lazio, 706 positive and 10 deaths

In Lazio on almost 16 thousand swabs (+1238) and over 16 thousand antigenic for a total of over 32 thousand tests, there are 706 new positive cases (+52), 10 deaths (-11), 1100 recovered, 1599 hospitalized (+10), 231 intensive care (-2). Cases and hospitalizations are increasing, deaths and intensive care are decreasing. The ratio between positives and buffers is 4.4%, but if we also consider the antigenic the percentage drops to 2.1%. Cases in Rome city are at 387. There are 34,741 currently positive for Covid-19 in Lazio, 32,911 in home isolation. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 292,548 people have been healed, 7,987 dead out of a total of 335,276 cases examined, according to the updated bulletin of the Lazio Region.

In Piedmont 595 new cases and 19 deaths

Today the Crisis Unit of the Piedmont Region communicated 595 new cases of people who tested positive for Covid-19 (of which 43 after antigen tests), equal to 2.4% of 25,018 swabs performed, of which 16,375 antigenic. Of the 595 new cases, 229 were asymptomatic (38.5%). The total of positive cases thus becomes 358,963. There are 144 hospitalized patients in intensive care (+1 compared to yesterday). There are 1,402 hospitalized patients not in intensive care (-95 compared to yesterday). There are 9,963 people in home isolation. The diagnostic swabs processed so far are 4,652,932 (+ 25,018 compared to yesterday), of which 1,566,566 tested negative. There are 19 deaths of people positive to the Covid-19 test reported by the Crisis Unit of the Piedmont Region. The total is now 11,484 deaths who tested positive for the virus.

In Puglia 23 deaths and 591 new infections

Today in Puglia out of 9,827 tests carried out, 591 positive cases were recorded, with an incidence of 6% (same rate as yesterday). 23 deaths were also recorded (yesterday 31). The hospitalized are 1,321 (62 fewer than yesterday). Since the beginning of the emergency, 2,363,894 tests have been carried out. There are 39,241 Apulians currently positive (1,054 less than yesterday), out of the total of 245,378 infections since the beginning of the pandemic (199,894 patients recovered, with an increase of 1,621 in 24 hours). Overall, 6,243 people from Puglia have died from Covid since the beginning of the pandemic.

529 cases and 17 deaths in Tuscany

The Covid report of the 24 hours in Tuscany reports another 529 new positives (+ 0.2% on yesterday's increase, average age 40 years) and 17 deaths in one day (average age 78.3 years, 6 in Florence, 4 in Prato, 2 in Pistoia, 1 in Livorno, 3 in Arezzo, 1 in Grosseto). 6,499 victims died in Tuscany since the beginning of the pandemic while the positive cases rise to 235,772. In the 24 hours the healed grow in absolute number and percentage more than the new positives (there were 968, all complete healings with negative control buffer, equal to + 0.5%) and reach 214,299. Today the positives are 14,974 (-3% on yesterday). Among them the hospitalized are 117 (-48 people, -4.1%) of which 182 in intensive care (-5) and another 13,857 are in isolation at home with symptoms that do not require hospital care or without (-408 on yesterday, -2.9%).In home quarantine there are other 28,789 people (-683 on yesterday, -2.3%) isolated in active surveillance for having had contact with infected people.

Veneto, 453 infections and 6 deaths

Curve of Covid-19 infections in decline in Veneto, which even today has a number of new positives below 500 units, exactly +453. The deaths in the last 24 hours were 6. This was reported by the regional bulletin. The total number of infected since the beginning of the epidemic rises to 419,558, that of victims to 11,475. The decline in hospital numbers continues. A total of 1,046 patients are hospitalized (-35), of which 916 in non-critical wards (-30), and 130 in intensive care (-5). The subjects currently positive and in isolation are 16,735 (-376).

Abruzzo, 144 infections and 2 deaths

144 new cases of Covid-19 have been ascertained in the last hours in Abruzzo. From the analysis of 4,361 molecular swabs emerged: 3.3% of the samples were positive. There are two recent deaths, which push the death toll to 2,452. Admissions continue to drop, going from 255 yesterday to 234 today. The currently return below seven thousand; they weren't so few since early November. The new positives are between 9 months and 87 years old. The currently positive are 6,886 (-124): 215 patients (-20) are hospitalized in non-intensive care and 19 (-1, no new access) are in intensive care, while the other 6,652 (-103) are in isolation domiciliary with active surveillance by the ASL. The healed are 63,692 (+265).

Less than 100 cases in Sardinia and 2 deaths

A total of 56,032 cases of positive Covid-19 have been ascertained in Sardinia since the beginning of the emergency. In the latest update of the Regional Crisis Unit 99 new cases were detected, of which 15 were diagnosed last night among the crew members of an oil tanker docked in Sarroch. Currently the crew is in isolation on the ship, with the exception of a sailor, hospitalized in Cagliari in the Covid ward of the Santissima Trinità hospital. A total of 1,239,478 swabs were performed, for an overall increase of 5,016 tests compared to the previous figure with a positive rate of 1.9%. There are two new deaths (1,430 in all). On the other hand, 222 (-19) people are currently hospitalized in non-intensive wards,while the number of patients in intensive care remained stable at 39. There are 14,289 people in home isolation and a total of 40,042 healed (+294), while the people declared clinically healed on the island are currently 10.

In South Tyrol 76 cases

There are 76 new cases of contagion registered in South Tyrol in the last 24 hours, of which 56 from molecular tests and 20 from antigen tests. In the last 24 hours there have been no deaths, while the healed are 104.

Trentino, the new infections are 51

Even today no deaths from Covid in Trentino. There are 51 new infections (21 detected by 1,080 molecular swabs, 30 by 1,083 rapid antigenic tests), informs the bulletin of the Provincial Health Services Agency. The situation is stable in hospitals where there are 68 hospitalized patients, 18 of whom in intensive care, and the relationship between new admissions and discharges remains balanced (yesterday 6 in both cases). The new recovered are 106. Regarding vaccines, this morning the administrations reached 233,648: the figure includes 49,117 boosters.  

Friuli Venezia Giulia, 36 cases and 5 deaths

Today in Friuli Venezia Giulia out of a total of 6,158 tests, 36 positivity to Covid 19 were found, equal to 0.58%. In detail, from the analysis of 4,016 molecular swabs, 32 new infections were detected with a positive percentage of 0.80%. There are also 2,142 rapid antigenic tests carried out, from which 4 cases (0.19%) were detected. The recorded deaths are 2, in addition to another 3 previous deaths. The admissions in intensive care units drop to 17 (-1), as well as those in other departments which are 89 (-9). This was announced in a note by the deputy governor of the Fvg with responsibility for Health, Riccardo Riccardi. The total deaths amounted to 3,765. The totally healed are 91,141, the clinically healed 5,615, while those in isolation are 5,777. Fromonset of the pandemic in Friuli Venezia Giulia, a total of 106,404 people were positive.

Valle d'Aosta, 13 cases and no deaths

There are 13 new Covid cases in Valle d'Aosta in the last 24 hours, a figure which brings the total since the beginning of the pandemic to 11,354, out of 518 swabs processed. This is what emerges from the bulletin of the Region: no deaths in the same period of time, which confirms the victims from the beginning of the pandemic to 466. The current positives are 516, while 30 are recovered in the last 24 hours.