What water temperature is appropriate for the fasting person's body to break the fast, and how much water should a fasting person drink in the month of Ramadan, and also what is the healthy time to start the main meal after Iftar, then what are the effects of lack of water on the body?

Answers and more in this report ...

What is the temperature of the water that suits the body of the fasting person for breakfast?

Kayed Kwaidh, Senior Clinical Nutritionist at Hamad Medical Corporation in Qatar, says that he advises the fasting person to drink a glass of moderately hot water at breakfast, and to avoid cold water because it causes headaches.

Kwaideh added - in special statements to Al-Jazeera Net - that it is advised to diversify water sources, such as eating soup, especially vegetable soup, eating salads with breakfast, and eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and the fasting person continues to drink water by one cup every hour.

Kwaidh said that he advised to reduce stimuli such as coffee and tea because they are diuretics, and thus the body loses the water it gets, as well as reducing as much as possible the citrus fruits, nuts and pickles because they contain high levels of sodium, especially with the suhoor meal.

What is the healthy time to start the main meal after breakfast?

Clinical dietitian Sawsan Riyadh Rizk, from Hamad Medical Corporation in Qatar, says that it is preferable to start with the main meal an hour or two after breakfast with a meal high in protein and fiber, moderate in carbohydrates and low in fat to speed up the metabolism and prevent the health problems related to the digestive system that can result from eating quantities Big food on an empty stomach.

After that, it is important to eat fruits as a quick snack that is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, and it is considered a healthy alternative to Ramadan sweets that are high in fat and sugar.

How much water should a fasting person drink in the month of Ramadan?

Sawsan Rizk, a therapeutic dietitian, said that it is important to maintain the water balance, as during fasting we may feel dehydration, dizziness, nausea and weakness.

Therefore, it is important to maintain a water balance at a rate of 30 milliliters per kilogram of body weight, which is about 2 liters or 2.5 liters (if doctors do not prevent you from drinking large quantities of water) and the fluid level includes fresh juice, milk, etc.

For his part, Quaidah says that the body needs an amount of water equivalent to 8-12 cups per day to maintain an adequate hydration rate and avoid problems related to dehydration.

What are the effects of lack of water on the body?

Quaidah said that many people suffer from dehydration, indigestion problems, headaches, and a drop in blood pressure because their bodies do not get enough water, and the condition worsens during the month of fasting due to the short time between breakfast and the pre-dawn meal to obtain their water needs.

He added that water has many benefits, we mention - for example but not limited to - including that it is necessary for all vital processes in the body, maintains body moisture and protects it from dehydration, and also plays a major role in the salt balance process, as it removes toxins and maintains the integrity of the kidneys and prevents deposits and stones from forming. As well as it has an essential role in the health of the skin and skin.

What is the best way to start breakfast?

Specialist Sawsan Rizk said that due to the change in the schedule of eating and water, it is necessary to maintain the water balance and the frequency of eating.

And since at breakfast time there are many food options high in fat and sugars, and since sugar levels may drop to low levels, their fasting is great, and here it is recommended to start with 3 dates and some hot soup and milk to gradually raise the level of sugar and make up for part of the lost fluids.

Sawsan Rizk emphasized the suhoor meal and the importance of delaying it as much as possible to ensure that there is no feeling of extreme hunger and to maintain normal sugar levels to a large extent.

Some people drink soft drinks during Ramadan, what is the effect of this on the body?

The specialist warned Quaidah against drinking too much soft drinks, and said that in Ramadan we focus more on warning against this unhealthy behavior because of its scientifically proven health damage.

He added that the increased consumption of soft drinks leads to a high rate of obesity, as these drinks contain a high percentage of calories and do not provide the body with any nutrients, and have a clear role in increasing the appetite and promoting the feeling of hunger, thus increasing food consumption and obesity.

Kwaidh said that a lot of soft drinks is linked to the occurrence of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and fatty liver, and it is also common for tooth decay to be associated with consuming large and frequent quantities of soft drinks.

He stressed that soft drinks do not contain nutritional value, but only contain large amounts of sugar, so it is important to stay away from and reduce them, especially during the month of fasting, because of their negative effects on the human body.