
Kiel (dpa / lno) - The seven-day incidence of new corona infections has risen slightly in Schleswig-Holstein: on Saturday it was 75.9 after 75.8 the day before, according to data from the Ministry of Health in Kiel ( Status: April 24, 7:02 p.m.).

Schleswig-Holstein is the only federal state in which the number of infections per 100,000 inhabitants is below 100 within a week.

On Saturday a week ago, the value in the country was 73.2, according to data from the ministry.

According to the information, two districts exceeded the critical threshold of 100 for the incidence: Stormarn with 111.4 and Pinneberg with 109.8.

The lowest numbers were in the districts of Plön (42.0) and North Friesland (36.9).

The district of Schleswig-Flensburg (45.2) and the cities of Flensburg (43.3) and Neumünster (47.4) were also below the value of 50.

On Saturday, 329 confirmed new corona infections were reported for the country since the previous day.

A week earlier there were 352. 173 people were treated in clinics for Covid-19 on Saturday, as many as the day before.

47 - two fewer than the day before - were in the intensive care unit.

32 were ventilated, one more than on Friday.

The number of people who died from or with Corona remained 1496.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210425-99-343787 / 3

Corona cases reported for Schleswig-Holstein

RKI dashboard