
Munich (dpa / lby) - With an admission by the defendant, the trial for attempted murder against a 22-year-old began in Munich on Friday.

As before, the young man had spoken to the investigators on the matter, said a spokesman for the Munich I Regional Court. The man is accused of beating and kicking a man lying in a park with a beer bottle in June of last year for no apparent reason to have.

The drunken victim lay with his head on the stone border of a fountain in the old botanical garden of the state capital and looked up at the sky. According to the public prosecutor's office, the defendant walked up to the resting man with a beer bottle in hand and suddenly hit the bottle on the head at least three times. He then kicked his head and upper body several times and hit him with a wet towel that was twisted into a rope.

Only when two as yet unknown witnesses rushed to the rescue did the Somali, according to the investigations, "take a calm step" away.

The victim suffered, among other things, an open head trauma including a fracture of the skull.

Because of the treachery, the public prosecutor's office evaluates the attack as attempted murder including dangerous bodily harm.

A verdict is expected to fall after six days of trial on May 21.


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