
Kiel (dpa / lno) - The seven-day incidence of new corona infections has fallen slightly again in Schleswig-Holstein: On Tuesday it was 71.8 - after 72.1 the day before, as from data from the Ministry of Health in Kiel (as of April 20, 7.40 p.m.).

This means that Schleswig-Holstein is still the only federal state in which the number of infections per 100,000 inhabitants is below 100 within a week.

On Tuesday a week ago, the value in the country was 77.7.

In terms of incidence, the Duchy of Lauenburg continued to exceed the critical mark of 100 with 118.2;

and now also the Stormarn district (104.4).

The lowest numbers were in the districts of Schleswig-Flensburg (36.8) and North Frisia (37.4).

434 confirmed new corona infections were reported for the country.

A week earlier there were 403. According to the information, there have been 1,486 corona deaths in Schleswig-Holstein so far - six more than on Monday.

181 people are being treated in clinics for Covid-19 - 54 of them in intensive care.

35 were ventilated.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210420-99-283642 / 2

Corona cases reported for Schleswig-Holstein

RKI dashboard