
Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - North Rhine-Westphalia has ordered the Corona “emergency brake” for Düsseldorf from Tuesday, since the seven-day incidence there is over 100 for the third day in a row.

From April 13th, only contacts between a household and a maximum of one other person are allowed, as the Ministry of Health announced on Sunday evening.

Children up to and including 14 years of age are not included.

Body-hugging services where the minimum distance cannot be maintained are again inadmissible, it said.

These include nail salons and massage parlors.

Medically necessary services as well as hairdressing, foot care and passenger transport remained permissible.

Visiting museums and art exhibitions will again be prohibited from Tuesday.

In theory, the municipality now has a test option.

The use of museums, for example, could remain permissible with a daily confirmed rapid test with a negative result, explained a ministry spokesman.

The municipality would then have to order this by means of a general order in agreement with the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of Health.


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