
Hamburg (dpa / sn) - The Green politicians Katja Meier and Josefine Paul have encouraged homosexual colleagues to deal with it openly.

Meier (41), Minister of Justice in Saxony, and Paul (39), parliamentary group leader in the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia, are a couple.

“I think you shouldn't hide anything,” Paul said in an interview with the weekly newspaper “Die Zeit” (Thursday) and “Zeit online”.

Everyone decides for themselves how much they reveal about their private life: “But it shouldn't depend on whether you live in a heterosexual or homosexual partnership.

We decided to deal with it openly.

That can also be a door opener. "

“Maybe it will help others when they see, ah, they're like us.

Perhaps it even motivates them to participate in a party, to run for office, ”emphasized Meier.

When asked whether campaigns for an outing are useful, she replied: “It's not just about saying: Hey, we're going to come out.

It's about people telling the prejudices and fears they are confronted with in their jobs. "

Thanks to campaigns like this, this becomes visible, and many would then show solidarity: "You always need role models who talk about themselves."

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