
Stralsund (dpa / mv) - For the people in the Vorpommern-Rügen district, stricter corona requirements have been in effect again since Tuesday.

In many shops, apart from your daily needs, you are only allowed to shop with an appointment and a negative Corona quick test or self-test.

Visiting museums and other cultural institutions is also only allowed in this way.

The reason is the expiry of a general decree of the district with looser rules.

According to the district, the precautions of the Corona state ordinance apply.

Zoos and botanical gardens are therefore only allowed to open the outdoor areas to the public.

Instead of non-contact sport in small groups, only individual sport with a maximum of five people from two households is allowed on and in all public and private sports facilities.

Children up to 14 years are not counted.

The district relaxed the corona requirements at the beginning of March due to low corona incidences.

Last week, despite the increased values, the order was extended until Easter Monday because, according to the district, there was no diffuse infection.

A further extension is excluded according to the state ordinance.


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General decree


Corona state regulation