
According to a survey, only about every fifth CDU member (21 percent) is in favor of Armin Laschet as candidate for chancellor.

On the other hand, 68 percent of Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) could imagine being a candidate for chancellor, as a Forsa survey on behalf of the editorial network Germany (Thursday editions) showed.

Eleven percent gave no answer.

"With (Söder) as candidate for Chancellor - so the opinion of three quarters of the CDU members - the Union would also achieve a better result in the upcoming federal election," Forsa boss Manfred Güllner told the papers.

Only 18 percent are of the opinion that the Union with Armin Laschet will do better.

Forsa asked 1030 CDU members about the state of the party from March 26th to 29th.

Accordingly, 51 percent see the poor corona management as a reason for the currently poor nationwide survey results and the poor performance in the state elections in Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate.

41 percent of those questioned gave the “mask affair” and corruption as a further cause, 22 percent regional reasons and 16 percent lack of profile.

Almost half of those surveyed see the party in its worst crisis since the donation affair.

Several CDU MPs openly acknowledge Söder as candidate for chancellor


In view of the consistently weak popularity ratings for Laschet, several CDU members of the Bundestag have recently spoken out openly in favor of Söder as a candidate for chancellor.

"We have to compete with the one with whom we have the best chances according to surveys, and that is by a large margin Markus Söder," said the Rhineland-Palatinate CDU member of the Bundestag Johannes Steiniger on Monday the "Spiegel".

"With me at the party base, I practically don't know anyone who is for Armin Laschet." The Union must "do everything to rule" in the autumn, warned the financial politician.

“I don't feel like having four years of opposition,” said Steiniger.

The CDU member of the Bundestag in Baden-Württemberg, Ronja Kemmer, also spoke out in favor of Söder as candidate for chancellor.

"The last elections show that trust in personalities is particularly crucial," said the vice-leader of the young group of the Union parliamentary group.

"Together with the question of who has the best plan for Germany and who will tackle the important future issues, that must be the benchmark."

Another CDU member of the Bundestag later spoke about the fact that he would like Söder to be the Union's candidate for chancellor.

"I support Söder's candidacy for chancellor, because I believe that we have to bring up a personality who has the profile of a doer in the difficult current situation in Germany," said the Baden-Württemberg MP Marc Biadacz of the "Stuttgarter Nachrichten" and the "Stuttgarter Newspaper "according to the advance notice on Tuesday.


Söder is best suited to stand up to the Greens in the election campaign, "because he can credibly take up environmental protection issues," said Biadacz.

Bellmann wants Merz to be a candidate for chancellor

The Saxon CDU member of the Bundestag, Veronika Bellmann, called on Laschet to renounce the candidacy.

If he “wants to do the Union and the country a service and would display the highest level of sovereignty himself, then he would not throw his hat into the ring of the candidate for chancellor,” she told the “Spiegel”.

"Some material just doesn't want to shine, no matter how strongly you illuminate it," continued Bellmann.

However, she also rejects Söder as a candidate for chancellor and speaks out in favor of Friedrich Merz.