More than 5,000 people with Covid-19 are now treated in French intensive care units.

Their number, which exceeds the level of the "second wave" of autumn 2020, continues to increase.

Faced with epidemiological curves which continue to increase, Emmanuel Macron speaks, Wednesday March 31 at 8 p.m., to explain to the French the new decisions taken in the face of a health situation considered worrying due to the worsening of the Covid pandemic. 19.

These decisions were "recorded" Wednesday morning as part of a Defense Council around the President of the Republic, said Gabriel Attal, government spokesman, after the Council of Ministers.

"We have difficult weeks ahead of us. We are slowing down the epidemic as much as we can (...) taking into account the dynamics of the epidemic (...) with always in mind the consequences of our decisions on morale of our compatriots, on the morale of our children and on activity in our country, "added the government spokesperson.

"But the key factor in our decisions remains the situation of our hospitals", continued Gabriel Attal, assuring that "the triage of patients is not an option".

The epidemic, now fueled by a more contagious English variant, has killed more than 95,000 people in France and the country has regularly recorded more than 30,000 cases per day of contamination since mid-March.

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