Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said that a lot of work would be done in Moscow on the state of Russian-American relations.

The diplomat spoke about this before flying to the Russian capital, where he was invited for consultations. 

"There is a lot of work to be done, it is necessary to analyze the state of Russian-American relations in which we find ourselves," the TASS diplomat quoted as saying.

Antonov recalled that the Russian side has always emphasized its interest in developing bilateral relations with the United States.

He also did not name the specific dates of his stay in Moscow, specifying that he would stay in the capital as long as needed.

  • Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov left the building of the diplomatic mission in Washington

“Several meetings are planned in Moscow in various departments.

How long it will take is hard to say now.

But I proceed from the assumption that I will stay as much as necessary, ”the ambassador emphasized.

Antonov left the diplomatic mission in Washington on Saturday afternoon local time.

According to RIA Novosti, the plane with the diplomat landed in Moscow.

On March 17, Anatoly Antonov was summoned to Moscow for consultations to determine what the "ways of straightening out Russian-American ties, which are in a difficult state," could be. 

This decision was made after US President Joe Biden, in an interview with ABC News, answered affirmatively to a journalist's question whether he considers Vladimir Putin a "killer."

The head of the White House also assured that his Russian counterpart would "pay" for the alleged "influence campaign" on the 2020 US presidential election.

After that, Vladimir Putin turned to the American leader with wishes of health, stressing that many people tend to transfer their own qualities to others. 

“As a child, when we argued with each other in the yard, we said:“ Whoever calls his name is called that ”.

And this is no coincidence, this is not just a childish saying and joke.

The meaning is very deep in this psychological: we always see our own qualities in another person and think that he is the same as we are, and, based on this, we evaluate his actions and give an assessment in general, "said the President of Russia.

The head of state also invited Joe Biden to hold talks live.

“In order not to dive like this in absentia ... We must continue our relationship.

And what's more, now I was thinking about this.

Last time, the initiative for the telephone conversation came from President Biden.

I would like to invite President Biden to continue our discussions, but on condition that we do this actually live, as they say, online.

But without any delay, but right in an open, direct discussion, ”Putin said.

However, the White House referred to the excessive workload of the American president.

At the same time, Biden himself later said that "at some point" he would talk with Putin, but did not indicate specific dates.

Also on "Many expressed disagreement": the Russian ambassador spoke about the Americans' apologies for Washington's statements to Moscow

Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov drew attention to the fact that Biden's statement testifies to his unwillingness to improve relations with Russia.

At the same time, a member of the US House of Representatives Matt Goetz mocked Biden's unwillingness to enter into a dialogue with Putin.

According to him, such a conversation "will not end like the movie" Rocky 4 ".

Recall that in this 1985 film, the American protagonist Rocky Balboa, played by Sylvester Stallone, is holding a boxing match with the Soviet athlete Ivan Drago, played by Dolph Lundgren.

The film ends with the victory of the American boxer.

In turn, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called Biden's statement to Putin "unacceptable for the head of state," adding that the Russian leader "gave a splendid response."

Meanwhile, on March 20, the Russian ambassador to the United States announced that the diplomatic mission received many letters from ordinary American citizens who "expressed disagreement and apologized for Washington's rash statements" to Moscow.

“I express the hope that the administration will listen to the voices of the voters and stop the course of further collapse of the already excessively confrontational relations,” Antonov stated.