Eating apples helps to promote the feeling of satiety and thus maintain a healthy weight, and we learn here about the benefits of eating apples daily.

In a report published by the French site "Europe 1", the writer Manon Bernard quoted Dr. Jimmy Mohamed a number of advice on the benefits of eating apples on a daily basis:

  • It provides the body with sugars and vitamins. We know the golden rule that says, "To stay healthy, you should eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day."

    And at the forefront of the fruits that are recommended to be consumed daily is apples, as they do not contain a large amount of calories, and provide the body with natural sugars, which are completely different from those contained in processed foods.

  •  Apples contain important amounts of fiber, and pectin - which is one of the fibers in apples - helps nourish the bacteria in the digestive system by forming a form of gel in the intestine, thus improving digestion.

  •  Maintaining body, when you finish your meal, eating an apple helps you to spend longer time chewing and feel full, so you will not have to eat a new meal after a short time.

  • Stimulate the digestive process, as according to the German Association of Vegetable and Fruit Producers, apples are characterized by huge health benefits, as they are rich in vitamins A, B, C and E. It is also rich in dietary fiber, which helps to feel full on the one hand and stimulates the digestive process on the other hand.

  • According to a study published in 2019, apples may protect against cancer because they contain flavonoid substances that are of great benefit to the human body.

The study was conducted by researchers from the Australian Edith Cowan University and the University of Copenhagen and published by Deutsche Welle, and they concluded that eating apples daily, especially with a cup of tea, may protect against cancer, especially for smokers and alcoholics.

The reason is that both apples and tea are rich in so-called flavonoids, which protect against cancer and heart disease, according to the study published by the specialized journal Nature Communications.

The study added that these compounds support the body's immunity and stimulate its mental powers, as well as help it reduce weight and may have a protective effect against infection.

Eat the peel

The German Association of Fruit and Vegetable Producers recommends eating the skin of apples, since these important nutrients are found directly under the skin.

She says fresh apples can be found on the hard and shiny skin, while they should be stored in a cool, dark place.

For these reasons, you have to isolate apples from other fruits

Apples must be isolated from fruits and vegetables, and the distance between the two saucers should not be less than half a meter at least. There is a scientific basis for the theory of isolating apples from other fruits and vegetables, and this basis is related to a plant hormone called "ethylene".

Plants, fruits and vegetables release this hormone in gases, according to a Deutsche Welle report.

The disparity lies in the fact that some types of fruits, including fatah, produce the hormone ethylene more than others.

This disparity is not limited to apples, but includes tomatoes, apricots, pears and plums, all of which are emitters of ethylene gas.

The problem begins when ethylene gas surrounds the vicinity of a fruit that has not yet ripened. Its presence encourages that fruit to ripen quickly and precede its premature, and when it is ripe and stimulates it to further ripeness, it will rot and become inedible.

We notice this in particular, when we put oranges, apples, bananas and cucumbers in one plate in the living room, and after one day we notice a strange smell in the room, while the bananas turn black, and the color of the orange peel and the texture of its fruits changes, and the fruits of the cucumbers wither.

Broccoli, cauliflower, mango fruits, fragrant melons, cucumbers and tomatoes are especially sensitive to this hormone, so tomatoes and apples should be isolated from these fruits and vegetables.

The distance between the two saucers must also be at least half a meter.

On the other hand, placing apples along with ethylene-sensitive fruits and vegetables can accelerate their ripening if desired, and the collection should be kept in a normal room temperature environment.