
The SPD around Prime Minister Malu Dreyer won the state election in Rhineland-Palatinate more clearly than expected.

The CDU with top candidate Christian Baldauf, on the other hand, received the worst result to date and did not manage to regain power in Mainz even after 30 years.

The traffic light coalition, which has ruled the country since 2016, could continue with this.

Data from Infratest Dimap show that election winner Dreyer with her SPD was able to convince 19,000 voters who still voted for the CDU in 2016 and 4,000 former AfD voters.

At the same time, the Social Democrats lost 8,000 voters to the Greens and 4,000 each to the FDP and other parties.

31,000 people who voted for the SPD in 2016 did not even vote on Sunday.

In total, this results in a minus of 24,000 votes.

Source: WORLD infographic

The CDU was only able to gain 8,000 voters from the FDP.

On the other hand, the Union lost a total of 96,000 votes to the SPD (19,000), Greens (9,000), AfD (3,000), other parties (11,000) and non-voters (54,000) - all in all, a minus of 88,000 voters.

Source: WORLD infographic


A similar picture emerged with the AfD, it was only able to convince 3,000 former CDU voters.

In all other places she had to give up: 4000 2016 AfD voters switched to the SPD, as many to the FDP and 2000 to the Greens;

4000 former AfD voters made their crosses at other parties and 42,000 did not vote this time.

The bottom line is a minus of 53,000 votes.

Source: WORLD infographic

The FDP won 4,000 former voters from the SPD and AfD as well as 1,000 voters from other parties.

The Liberals had to cast 8,000 votes to the CDU and 2,000 to the Greens. 6,000 people who had voted for the FDP in 2016 did not vote this Sunday.

In total, there is a minus of 7,000 votes.

Source: WORLD infographic

The Greens were able to dispute more voters than they had to give up from almost all other parties.

9,000 former CDU voters this time voted green, 8,000 SPD voters and 2,000 AfD and FDP voters each.

The Greens had to cast 2,000 votes to other parties, 4,000 former Greens voters this time not ticking the ballot at all.

In total, the Greens gained 15,000 votes.

Source: WORLD infographic

For the free voters, who made it into the Rhineland-Palatinate parliament for the first time, no data were available on voter migration compared to 2016.

Because they missed the leap into the state parliament at the time, they were still recorded among the other parties.