
In the state elections in Baden-Württemberg in 2021, each voter only has one vote.

A second vote does not know the right to vote.

The following applies to each of the 70 constituencies: The candidate who receives the most votes in his constituency, including Bruchsal, moves directly into parliament in Stuttgart.

The Baden-Württemberg state parliament has at least 120 seats.

70 of these seats are allocated through direct mandates in the constituencies, 50 more seats via a second mandate.

The party's election result and the number of direct mandates obtained are decisive for this.

A total of 7.7 million people in Baden-Württemberg are called to vote.

In 2016, 113,214 people were eligible to vote in Bruchsal.


The constituency 29 includes the following cities and municipalities: Municipalities Bad Schönborn, Bruchsal, Forst, Hambrücken, Karlsdorf-Neuthard, Kronau, Oberhausen-Rheinhausen, Östringen, Philippsburg, Ubstadt-Weiher and Waghäusel of the district of Karlsruhe.

Bruchsal belongs to the administrative district of Karlsruhe.

Bruchsal: The candidates in constituency 29

In the total of 70 electoral districts in Baden-Württemberg, 872 applicants from 21 parties are running for the state election in 2021.

These candidates run in the Bruchsal constituency:

Greens: Nicole Heger


CDU: Ulli Hockenberger

AfD: Rainer Balzer

SPD: Alexandra Nohl


FDP: Timo Imhof

The left: Alena Schmitt

the base: Giorgio Mariotti

The party: Jens Dänner

Free voters: Alexander Geyer

WE 2020: Doris Rothermel

Climate list: Lars Benke


Volt: Haci Firat Celik

It is quite possible that the Greens in Baden-Württemberg will ultimately be able to choose a coalition partner.

It would certainly be enough for green-black, and black-green would also be an option if the CDU were successful.

However, according to current surveys, the latter is rather unlikely.

In any case, there is no passion that connects both parties.

The preferred constellation of the Greens leadership is an alliance with the SPD, but so far there is no majority for it.

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State election of Baden-Württemberg 2016: result in Bruchsal

In the 2016 state elections, the votes in the Bruchsal constituency were distributed as follows:

SPD: 11.91 percent (9,460 votes)

CDU: 29.96 percent (23,792 votes)

AfD: 19.66 percent (15,614 votes)

FDP: 8.17 percent (6,490 votes)

Greens: 24.2 percent (19,213 votes)


The Left: 2.4 percent (1,905 votes)

The party: 1.25 percent (989 votes)

ALFA: 1.21 percent (960 votes)

THE RIGHTS: 0.14 percent (111 votes)

At that time there were 113,214 eligible voters, 80,436 of whom actually went to the ballot box.

That corresponded to a voter turnout of 71.05 percent.

You want to know more about the state elections in Baden-Württemberg and all other elections in the super election year 2021.

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