“The pandemic made people worry about the health of loved ones.

And for many Muscovites, including my friends, it turned into a tragedy of losing a loved one.

The pandemic has made it impossible to enjoy the vibrant, open city in which life rages on a daily basis.

Instead, we saw empty streets and subways.

Instead of participating in city festivals, we became involuntary participants in the "carnival of masks," Sobyanin said.

At the same time, he noted that "Moscow's economy and city budget revenues are recovering quite quickly."

According to data as of March 9, 9,445 cases of coronavirus infection were detected in Russia during the day.

In total, 4,342,474 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed since the beginning of the epidemic.

URA.RU reported that a professor at the Belozersky Institute of Moscow State University, Alexei Agranovsky, gave a forecast regarding a pandemic in Russia.