• Covid, president Mattarella got vaccinated at the Spallanzani in Rome

  • Vaccines.

    Johnson & Johnson does not ensure 55 million doses to the EU

  • The Russian Sputnik vaccine will be produced in Italy, the first country in the EU

  • Vaccines plan and new bans are the government's moves to curb the third wave


09 March 2021

The updated situation in Italy and in the world

There are 19,749 positive tests for coronavirus in the last 24 hours in Italy, according to data from the Ministry of Health, which bring the total from the beginning of the emergency to 3,101,093. The victims were 376 (100,479 the total). Yesterday there were 13,902 infections. 345,336 swabs were carried out in 24 hours. The rate drops to 5.7%.


There are


the new cases of coronavirus that have emerged in the last 24 hours in Campania (of which 449 cases identified by rapid antigen tests).

There are 525 positive people who have been found to be symptomatic.

The tampons of the day are 23,591, of which 5,093 are antigenic.

The percentage of positive swabs out of the total number of processed swabs is equal to 11.48%.

The total number of positives registered since the beginning of the coronavirus emergency in Campania is 289,574 (of which 8,978 antigenic), the total swabs analyzed are 3,126,088 (of which 143,233 antigenic).

In today's bulletin released by the Crisis Unit of the Campania Region, 45 new deaths are included, 36 occurred in the last 48 hours and 9 occurred previously, but recorded yesterday.

The total of deaths in Campania since the beginning of the pandemic rises to 4,550.

There are 1,338 new healed: the total healed is 193,791.

In Campania there are 144 Covid patients hospitalized in intensive care, 1,444 Covid patients hospitalized in hospital wards.

De Magistris: "Hospitals in Naples under pressure"

"From the data it seems a situation that is all in all under control, but the pressure is very high especially on the most well-equipped hospitals and the hospitals in Naples are exhausted".

Thus the mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris, guest of 'Tagadà' on La7.

"The issue of beds in intensive care is a theme, but it is another long-standing discourse that has been going on for a year. The situation in Naples and Campania is very complicated".


On a possible red zone "I do not exclude and think of nothing: we evaluate the situation with caution, attention and seriousness".

Thus the president of Lombardy Attilio Fontana.

"I think we need to monitor day after day: there are areas in Lombardy where the numbers are slightly improving: we look at these numbers with optimism, hoping that they will extend to the whole region".

Emilia Romagna

There are


new cases of positivity to Covid-19 in Emilia-Romagna

and of these 901 are in Bologna.

There are 44 new dead.

Since the beginning of the Coronavirus epidemic, 285,021 cases of positivity have been recorded in the region.

The swabs performed in the last 24 hours were 43,575 and the percentage of new positives on the number of swabs made since yesterday is 5.5%.

The average age of new positives today is 41.3 years.

In the last 24 hours, 25,119 molecular swabs were performed, for a total of 3,575,749.

In addition to these are 397 serological tests and 18,456 rapid swabs.

As for the total number of people healed, they are 983 more than yesterday and reach 215,754.

In total, there have been 10,871 deaths in the region since the beginning of the epidemic.

There are 307 patients admitted to intensive care (+21 compared to yesterday), 3,044 those in the other Covid departments (+84).


There are


new cases in Piedmont of people who tested positive for Covid-19, equal to 7.2% of the 28,183 swabs performed, of which 16,565 antigenic.

Of the 2,018 new cases, 757 (37.5%) were asymptomatic.

There are 22 deaths among coronavirus positives, of which 1 today, for a total of 9,533.

The cases are divided as follows: 383 screenings, 1,059 case contacts, 576 with ongoing investigation;

by area: 31 Rsa / social welfare structures, 175 schools, 1,812 general population.

The total of positive cases thus becomes 266,481.

Veneto The

toll of the coronavirus pandemic in


is 1,526 new positives (yesterday 1,198) and 15 victims (yesterday 35) in 24 hours.

This was reported in the bulletin of Azienda Zero this afternoon, at 5 pm. The infected people since March have risen to 345,234 and the total victims are 10,018.

Patients in non-critical areas are growing (+37).

Intensive care patients are also increasing (+3) where there are currently 144 people.


"Today, out of over 14,000 swabs in Lazio (+2,672) and over 26,000 antigenic for a total of over 40,000 tests, there are


positive cases (+256), 28 deaths (+6) and +753 cured . Cases, deaths, hospitalizations and intensive care are increasing. The ratio between positives and swabs is 10%, but if we also consider the antigenic the percentage drops to 3% ".

This was stated by the councilor for Health and


and Health Integration

of the Lazio Region, Alessio D'Amato. 


In Puglia, 10,732 tests for Covid-19 coronavirus infection were recorded and


positive cases

were recorded 


39 deaths were recorded.

Since the beginning of the emergency, 1,637,604 tests have been carried out.

117,371 patients recovered.

35,805 are currently positive cases.

The total of positive Covid cases in Puglia is 157,337.

Taranto, new squeeze

The mayor of Taranto, Rinaldo Melucci, has anticipated that in the next few hours he will sign an ordinance to establish new restrictions on areas and times for travel, taking into account the trend of infections from Covid 19.


Since the beginning of the epidemic in Tuscany there are 166,452 cases of Coronavirus positivity.

New cases are 0.6% more than the previous day's total.

The average age of


new positives today is approximately 45 years (17% are under the age of 20, 20% between 20 and 39, 37% between 40 and 59, 17% between 60 and 79 years , 9% are 80 or older).

The healed grew by 0.5% and reached 139,458 (83.8% of total cases).

Today, 13,323 molecular swabs and 10,401 rapid antigenic swabs were performed, of which 4.2% were positive.

On the other hand, 11,500 subjects tested today (with antigenic and / or molecular swab, excluding control swabs), of which 8.7% tested positive.

The currently positive today are 22,157, + 1.1% compared to yesterday.

The people hospitalized in beds dedicated to Covid patients today are a total of 1,424 (48 more than yesterday, + 3.5%), 209 in intensive care (7 more than yesterday, + 3.5%).

Tuscany Regional Council: a minute of silence for the victims

President Mazzeo: "We are almost 5 thousand dead in Tuscany. These are not numbers but faces, smiles and affections that are no longer there".

Today's session of the Regional Council of Tuscany opened with a minute of silence in memory of all the coronavirus victims. 


A case of positivity to the molecular swab was confirmed among passengers arriving in Sardinia who underwent the antigen test (1,157 out of 2,506).

It is the final balance of the first day of application of the ordinance signed by Governor Christian Solinas to curb the spread of Covid-19.

The data relating to yesterday were released by the regional operations center for the emergency.

With the exception of Cagliari where there were no landings, the control activity took place in the ports of Olbia, Golfo Aranci, Santa Teresa Gallura and Porto Torres and in the airports of Cagliari, Olbia and Alghero.

In Sardinia there are


new positives and 3 deaths (1,187 in all) detected in the latest update of the regional crisis unit.

A total of 41,959 cases of positive Covid have been ascertained since the beginning of the emergency.

In total 825,971 swabs were performed.

The positive cases-swabs performed ratio marks a positive rate of 4% for the island.

Friuli Venezia Giulia

"The presence of the English variant in the region stands at


and this justifies the high percentage of infections. The data are calculated on the positivity identified last week and increased compared to the previous week, that from 18 to 25 February , when they stood at 28% giving evidence on how the variant has supplanted the wild virus or the original one ".