The number of 5G terminal connections in China has exceeded 200 million

  "China Internet Speed" empowers thousands of industries (Online China)

  "Shopping" on the Internet, "wandering around" museums... The high-speed and convenient 5G network is changing people's lives.

The "2021 China Mobile Economic Development Report" recently released by the Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA) shows that China's 5G will grow strongly in 2020 and become the world's largest 5G market.

As of the end of 2020, the number of 5G terminal connections in China has exceeded 200 million, accounting for 87% of the total number of 5G connections in the world.

Experts said that as the 5G industry gradually matures, 5G will become a new engine facing thousands of industries and promoting high-quality economic development in the future.

  High-speed "surf", enjoy the wonderful life

  Enjoying the New Year's Eve dinner ordered on the "cloud", "cloud visiting" with friends, and "cloud greeting New Year" to relatives far away...According to statistics, over 100 million people across the country chose to celebrate the New Year in situ during the Spring Festival holiday.

Because of the "guard" of the 5G network, many people have started a new model of "festival on the cloud".

  With the help of high-speed networks, many "New Year customs" have emerged.

According to data released by Douyin, during the Spring Festival, the cumulative number of New Year's greeting videos on Douyin exceeded 50.6 billion views.

The WeChat video account has launched a live broadcast link function, which provides people with a new way of visiting the New Year.

For example, using a mobile phone to send a red envelope, with a personalized cover.

WeChat data shows that during the Spring Festival, WeChat users have 7.37 red envelope covers per capita. The new gameplay combining WeChat red envelopes and video numbers adds a lot of new fun to the festival.

  Merchants do not close during the festival, which boosts the popularity of "Cloud Shopping".

Many companies continue to provide users with online services uninterrupted.

According to monitoring by the Ministry of Commerce, during the Spring Festival holiday, the Netlink platform processed 7.937 billion fund-related cross-institutional online payment transactions with an amount of 4.98 trillion yuan.

The retail, training, finance, catering and other industries have approximately 100 million customers served through corporate WeChat.

Among them, "post-90s" and "post-00s" have become new online shopping experts.

According to data from the Dewu platform, Guochao brands and Chinese element products have become the main choices for young people to give gifts.

At Tmall’s New Year’s Day, the proportion of orders placed by "post-90s" exceeded 60%.

  Behind the wonderful and convenient life is the high-speed rush of digital “torrents”.

During the Spring Festival holiday, the nationwide communication network is safe and smooth and runs smoothly.

According to data released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the national mobile Internet traffic reached 3.573 million terabytes, an increase of 23.4% over the 2020 Spring Festival.

  Feel the "poem and the distance" at home without leaving home

  "Cloud Changyou" scenic spots, cloud viewing exhibitions, cloud games...Thanks to the development of 5G, mobile digital technology, and blockchain technology, people can relax at home and have "poems and distant places".

  The "Wandering Dunhuang" applet recently launched the "Light up Mogao Grottoes" function to restore the folk customs of Mogao Grottoes burning lamps on the "cloud" side, which has become a popular circle of friends.

Through mobile phones, users can "light up" the caves on the cliff together.

As the number of people lighting up increases, the brightness of the lights in the picture also increases.

In the middle of the night, users will see the "Milky Way" over the cliffs of Mogao Grottoes and the glorious scene of the cave light, and experience the grand lighting of the Mogao Grottoes thousands of years ago.

  See the "Digital Forbidden City" without going out, and visit Huangshan and Lijiang "on the cloud" without going out... More and more people enjoy the mountains, rivers, historical sites of the motherland in the "cloud".

With the popularization and application of new technologies such as 5G and 4K, "cloud viewing exhibition" and "cloud gaming" have gradually become a trend.

The Dewu platform recently launched the "Art" section, covering different categories such as calligraphy, painting, sculpture, ornaments, etc., aiming to provide artists with a larger display platform through the Internet, allowing young consumers to watch trend art exhibitions through their mobile phones.

  Improve quality and efficiency, 5G has a "new speed"

  Recently, many consumers have been surprised to find that many products have been pre-sold and personalized, and the logistics speed has achieved "orders in the early morning and receipt in the morning".

Behind the greatly improved purchasing experience, it relies on the second-level analysis of billion-level traffic by big data and the rapid development of "5G+digital factory".

  Data shows that more than 2,300 companies across the country have carried out more than 4,200 innovative 5G application projects, and they have launched active explorations in various fields such as ports and mines.

Last year, over 100 million-level machines and equipment were interconnected, the numerical control rate of key processes in enterprises exceeded 51.1%, and the added value of industrial digitalization accounted for over 80% of the digital economy.

On Baidu's Internet of Things platform, device access increased by more than 200% year-on-year.

  In the new year, 5G has a "new speed".

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently announced that China will build more than 600,000 5G base stations this year in accordance with the principle of moderate advancement, complete the in-depth coverage of 5G prefecture-level and above cities as soon as possible, and gradually accelerate the expansion to qualified counties and towns, and will continue to promote the research and development of 5G networks. , Construction and application.

  Wang Zhiqin, vice president of China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, said that the in-depth integration of new-generation information and communication technologies and manufacturing systems is a key support for accelerating the digital, networked, and intelligent development of various industries.

In particular, the ultra-large bandwidth and ultra-low latency of the 5G network ensure the millisecond-level transmission of massive data, making the integration effect more apparent.

  The reporter learned that the quality of 5G services will be further improved this year.

For example, through the mobile phone program, you can check the 5G network coverage in the region; improve the 5G package reminder mechanism; encourage operators to launch preferential tariff packages.

  Experts said that the key to speeding up the construction of 5G networks is to break through a series of difficulties in the development of integrated applications.

As the 5G industry gradually matures, 5G will further enter the lives of the people and empower thousands of industries.

Peng Xunwen