“We know that today in Russia more than 4 million people (were. -


) have been infected with coronavirus, about the same number have already been vaccinated and, presumably, about 2 million are cases of asymptomatic infection when a person did not go to doctors.

Thus, we can assume that now no more than 8-10% of the population have antibodies, "RIA Novosti quotes him.

The epidemiologist added that studies of population immunity to coronavirus conducted by Rospotrebnadzor in 26 regions of the country showed that in a number of subjects the proportion of the population with antibodies to COVID-19 reaches 25%.

“You have to understand that this data should not be taken as an absolute number.

Over time, the strength of the immune response decreases.

Therefore, the "antibody" figure will constantly change, "he said.

Gorelov recalled that 60-70% of the population needs immunity to end the pandemic.