China News Service, February 26. According to foreign media reports, on the 25th local time, the European Council decided to declare Venezuela's ambassador to the EU as an "unwelcome person" in response to Venezuela's previous decision to expel the EU ambassador.

  According to reports, the EU statement stated that “according to the proposal of the High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, the Council of the European Union today agreed to declare Venezuela’s ambassador to the EU as an unwelcome person.” Action” response.

  Venezuela decided on the 24th to expel Isabel Pedrosa, the European Union's ambassador to Venezuela, calling her an "unwelcome person" and asking her to leave the country within 72 hours.

Venezuela said the move was in response to EU sanctions imposed on Venezuelan 19 officials.

  On the 22nd, the European Union announced that 19 people including the chairman of the Venezuelan National Electoral Commission and the commander of the Strategic Operations Command of the Armed Forces will be included in the sanctions list.