In an interview with Duma TV, he recalled that Russia was the first to create a vaccine against coronavirus, noting that by now three drugs against COVID-19 have already been created in the country.

Volodin said that more and more countries are turning to Russia with a request to use the Russian vaccine.

“Their situation is very difficult: citizens of the country are sick, parliaments are paralyzed.

We have such a vaccine, and more than one.

And we can do everything to ensure that we have social immunity, ”he said.

Volodin said that, according to experts, the minimum incidence rate will be in August - September.

He added that an increase in the number of cases due to vacations is expected in the fall.

Also, the speaker of the State Duma called on Russians to rest at home. 

“Better to rest at home.

The country is huge, wonderful, wonderful.

There is something to see, where to rest.

We believe that this issue requires both control and attention, and the creation of conditions for business, ”he said. 

Earlier, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said that a vaccine against the CoviVac coronavirus produced by the Chumakov Federal Research Center for Research and Development of Immunobiological Products of the Russian Academy of Sciences has been registered in Russia.