Actor Richard Berry on August 4, 2020. -


The actor Richard Berry firmly denied Tuesday on social networks the charges of incest brought against him by one of his daughters who filed a complaint with the Paris prosecutor in the wake of the Duhamel case.

According to Franceinfo, the Paris minors' brigade was seized of the investigation.

“I unambiguously and with all my strength deny these filthy accusations.

I have never had inappropriate or incestuous relations with Coline (his 45-year-old daughter), nor with any of my children, ”assured the actor in a long text published on his Instagram account.

According to him, the accusations of his daughter, born of a previous union with the actress Catherine Hiegel, started "seven years ago".

Her daughter Coline, 45, lodged a complaint with the Paris prosecutor and denounced incestuous acts that occurred, according to her, when she was a minor.

Richard Berry says he asked the prosecutor "that a full investigation be carried out" 2/2

- Philippe Berry (@ptiberry) February 3, 2021

"While I was announcing to my family that my wife and I were expecting a child, Coline, herself pregnant, reacted with extreme violence, then, in an email sent to my wife, she for the first time alluded to to the fact that she would have been "abused", "says the actor.

According to him, “his story has evolved over time.

It has been denied, renewed and enriched by it at the option of the interlocutors or the news.

For years, I tried to talk to him (…) without success.

I opened up to psychiatrists, my family, my friends, ”adds Richard Berry.

Catherine Hiegel "alongside her daughter"

"After the publication (in January) of the testimony of Camille Kouchner" - which caused a shock wave by accusing his stepfather, the renowned political scientist Olivier Duhamel, of sexual abuse of his twin brother in the free

La Familia grande

- "my daughter has reworked her story again".

"She first contacted journalists at the beginning of January, then she lodged a complaint", explains the actor, saying to have "immediately sent a letter to the Paris prosecutor to ask him, despite the prescription, that a full investigation be carried out ”to establish the“ truth ”.

"These allegations are false" he insisted, assuring to have been a father "too absent, but loving and respectful".

According to

the Point

, which revealed the complaint, Catherine Hiegel assured to be "alongside" her daughter.

Contacted by AFP, the Paris prosecutor declined to comment.

  • Pedocriminality

  • Justice

  • Incest