Amendments to the Act on Special Measures for New Coronavirus Measures were passed at the plenary session of the House of Representatives, passed by the majority of the Liberal Democratic Party, the Komeito Party, the Constitutional Democratic Party, and the Nippon Ishin no Kai, and sent to the House of Councilors. It was.

Amendments such as the Act on Special Measures for New Coronavirus Measures were approved by the House of Representatives Cabinet Committee on the 1st after making amendments such as removing criminal penalties for infected persons who refused to be hospitalized. ..

In response to this, the plenary session of the House of Representatives was held, and in a debate, Mr. Masaaki Taira of the Liberal Democratic Party said, "By increasing the effectiveness of the measures and promoting more reliable efforts, the spread of infection will be resolved as soon as possible, and the next We need to keep the wave of expansion from coming. "

Tetsuya Shiokawa of the Communist Party said, "What is needed to prevent the spread of infection is not the introduction of penalties. It makes it difficult to get the cooperation of the people and makes it difficult to control the infection. It is absolutely unacceptable." It was.

Then, a vote was taken, and the amendment was passed by the majority of the Liberal Democratic Party, the Komeito Party, the Constitutional Democratic Party, and the Nippon Ishin no Kai, and sent to the House of Councilors.

The amendment is expected to be approved on the 3rd after deliberation by the House of Councilors.