Les Sables-d'Olonne (France) (AFP)

Jean Le Cam, who completed his Vendée Globe on Thursday evening, indicated in the early hours of Friday that he was suffering from a broken rib and that his boat had experienced major structural problems, making the final weeks of the race "unbearable".

The Cam (Yes We Cam!), Who went up the channel to reach the port six hours after crossing the finish line off Les Sables d'Olonne due to tide times, recounted the major problems he had to face with his boat.

These concerns arose after he landed Kevin Escoffier, the wrecked competitor recovered in an epic rescue on December 1.

"When I landed Kevin on the Nivôse (French Navy frigate), I was in the hot front and the next day I went to look at the front and the boat was delaminated", he said during 'a press conference.

"I have known a lot of rather difficult things in my life but there, I experienced the unbearable and in fact the unbearable, we get there", he breathed, completely exhausted.

Cam also explained that he broke a rib two weeks ago after being tossed around in his boat.

The sailor completed his fourth Vendée Globe for his fifth participation.

He crossed the finish line in eighth position but finished fourth because of the sixteen hours and fifteen minutes of compensation he received for having rescued Escoffier.

The ninth edition of the Vendée Globe was won on Thursday by Yannick Bestaven (Maître Coq IV) in 80 days 3 hours and 44 minutes.

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