Nice (AFP)

On the field, in the weight room or in front of computer screens for video analysis, the 28 Blues summoned to Nice to prepare for the Six Nations Tournament spent a studious Friday.

On the program, under the sun of the Côte d'Azur, a long morning between muscle activation, video analysis and a fairly intense "fitness game" at the Arboras stadium, the lair of the local club.

The afternoon was reserved for recovery with a meeting on the playing field before returning to the stadium for a final implementation, called "collective clarity", where the players repeated their ranges.

The day before, they learned good news since the interministerial crisis committee gave a favorable opinion on the health protocol presented by the FFR, opening a small patch of blue sky on the 2021 Six Nations Tournament.

The Blues are meeting in Nice until February 4 to prepare for the first match of the competition, February 6 in Rome, against Italy.

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