1. The form was withdrawal, but in fact it was deportation.

Although he was disciplined and asked for a reconsideration for refusing to agree with the Airborne Act, the Democratic Party leadership delayed the decision for five months.

The party's representative changed from Lee Hae-chan to Lee Nak-yeon, but nothing changed.

Even if the leadership was replaced, if this was the case, the party thought there was no hope.

In October of last year, he quit the party.

No one caught it.

The Democratic Party's attitude toward this man was ferocious.

Still, he was a person who once ate a pot of rice, but he muttered and cynical at him.

Chung Cheong-rae's words, ``It was good for me and good for the party,'' represents the sentiment of not a few Democrats.

In fact, Geum Tae-seop's heart had already left the Democratic Party before that.

-Isn't Lee Hae-chan the person who provided the cause of the withdrawal?

“I think so. One day, I had the opportunity to talk with Lee Hae-chan, and he said,'I can't read books because I have bad eyes these days.' would that the I then was really disappointed. in fact, at that time I do not know might have thought to quitting ...

I thought representative and is that not a dialogue per think the lowest prices in the brain of the Democratic party

feel that this is a level that can not be fixed in I heard it all at that time."

So I went out to the wilderness where the cold wind was blowing.

When he was in this situation, he would have poison in his heart, but his expressions or words weren't that strong.

The same is true of President Moon Jae-in and President Lee Hae-chan, who effectively expelled him.

I criticize, but I don't feel any personal feelings.

When asked to evaluate the Moon Jae-in administration, it stipulated that it was a government trapped in the past.

I thought there would be a strong word, but it was flat.

But the more I think about it, the more spicy I think.

"Basically, the purpose of this government is to relieve the resentment of the participatory government. The rewrite of Kim Soo-hyun, who failed in the real estate policy during the participatory government, was also a major post of the prosecution. I don’t really understand what it’s doing. I don’t really understand what it’s doing. The agenda setting is the same. The politicians, who are distinguished by pro-Is, agreed to the impeachment of (President Park Geun-hye), but I think there was a war with it. ."

He said his loyalty to the Democratic Party was as good as anyone else, but his actions against the establishment of an airlift, which is the party's core party argument to Democratic supporters, and attacking Motherland's Minister were typical internal gunfire.

He would have been seen as a person doing his own politics by borrowing the name of the Democratic Party.

I feel like I've endured for a long time in the Democratic Party, and I feel like a person who doesn't have to stick to the Democratic Party.

Right now, he will be in vain because he has no head, but he will not have the regret to take off the clothes that do not fit him.

The Democratic Party may feel like the sick person is missing, but no one in the ruling powers read his withdrawal as an ominous sign.

▶ Go to the full interview video

2. Through a sad play, people shed tears and taste purification.

That is the catharsis effect through tragedy.

However, it is difficult to feel such catharsis through the tragedy in which Geum Tae-seop is the main character.

Since he failed reelection and was virtually expelled from the party, he must be the main character of the tragedy.

The peak of the tragedy was when Tae-seop Geum gave a lecture to members of the People's Power.

It feels like a lecture from a soldier of defection.

This person beautifully betrays the expectations of the audience for the appearance of the protagonist in grief.

He does not shed tears and does not try to appeal to the audience for his unfair situation.

A person who is good at acting might be able to pour out a tear, but he replaced his inner feelings with a few waves.

You shouldn't expect tears, grief, or anger from this person.

If you intensively talk about your life for about 3 hours, there will always be moments when sparks pop out of your eyes or your eyes get moist, but this person didn't see it in the end.

It was consistently calm and there was no pit or throat rising.

I used the word'greatly' as if I was using it as a language, but rather than exaggerating my emotions, I was stingy in expressing my emotions.

I have received over 20,000 text bombs in just two hours.

It could be said that it was hit by 20,000 fists, or 20,000 swords.

He showed me a cell phone that had been baptized with a huge text bomb.

Since that day, there is a problem with the text receiving function, and it is difficult to fix it.

The phone is as deep as this person.

When asked how he felt when he received the text bomb, he talked about the experiences of others, not his own.

"When I was in the prosecution, a senior member went to a TV debate. The other party was Professor Cho Kook. Objectively, it was a complete victory for him. This senior is a very strong personality, and when I read the comments, he was really depressed." I could see I was shocked."

This man's attitude toward comment attacks was a bit unique.

The comments did not indicate anger and fear, hatred for the cowardly attacker who concealed his face, the desire for revenge, or anything.

Since I am a legal expert, I feel like I want to punish myself for listening to the law, but I have never filed a complaint.

"The reason I don't get angry when I see that comment is that the purpose of the people who are sending the comment is not that they want to prove that they are right here, but that they do tactics. So, you should never fight there. Of course you get angry and refute this something. I think that the responsibility lies with the political leaders. I respond by raising the level of criticism against President Moon Jae-in or Lee Nak-yeon (who promotes this fight)."

3. In September 2006, he wrote an article in the Hankyoreh Newspaper entitled "How to properly receive investigations from an incumbent prosecutor" under his real name.

He is a person worth remembering for just one piece of this article.

When you go to the investigation agency, do not say anything, the suspect is not obligated to cooperate in the investigation, the point was to leave everything to the lawyer.

Even if I read it now, it is amazing how I thought about this idea and writing this article and contributing to the media.

When the prosecution's head of the prosecution saw this article posted with a brightly smiling photo of Geum Tae-seop at dawn, the prosecution's head would have wondered if this was a dream or a life.

It was an action prepared over a long period of time.

It was a one-man coup and rebellion to crack down a powerful organization called the prosecution with just one shot.

"I didn't think it was a rebellion, but what I could contribute to the organization was to do something that would transform the idea, and the most important thing was to create a crack in the organization. That's the whole prosecution. I thought it could increase trust."

One of the legal professions who knew Tae-seop Geum's prosecutors remembered him as a possessor of outstanding ability within 1% of the organization.

It was famous within the prosecution for his good writing skills and good hair.

Tae-seop Geum himself said that he was in the hottest place for prosecutors to go.

In a word, it was a good prosecutor.

He practically oversaw the Seoul General Assembly of the World Prosecutors Association, the largest event in the history of the prosecution.

It was regrettable that President Roh Moo-hyun did not attend the event, but the event itself was so successful that a foreign prosecutor general said, "I can't find any flaws even if I look with a microscope."

When he was assigned to the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office after completing an unusually long three-year and six-month service at the Supreme Prosecutors' Office, he was in the face of being promoted to vice president.

That's why he rebelled.

It is important to note that his actions did not come from a momentary impulse or heroism.

When Geum Tae-seop becomes a prosecutor, let's learn about how the organization works for about five years while doing what his seniors tell us.

In the meantime, don't criticize or criticize.

After that, he said he thought he should do something.

It is the Hankyoreh's article to do something after that.

His actions were at least 10 years of preparation and planning.

His actions were thoroughly prepared so that he could go to a famous studio in Gwanghwamun to take pictures to be loaded with the contributions.

He had in his head how he would get out of the prosecutor's office and how to respond to him.

“While working at the Great Swordsman, I was well aware of how the prosecution's head of the prosecution made the decisions. When this burst, I predicted who would say how and who would speak. Probably, even if it was unpleasant, I would keep using it. I'm not going to give it, but I'll be penalizing my greetings instead, I'll turn to the countryside a few times and feed water, then I wanted to live normal as a country prosecutor, or this would end my legal life. I thought it was a sacrifice, but it was okay. I thought, I got a name from it, and I became an apostle of justice, and I never thought about it.”

At that time, Prosecutor General Sang-myung Sang-myung was infuriated.

Just two months ago, President Sang-myung Sang-myung took Geum Tae-seop as an attendant on a business trip to Europe.

The feeling of betrayal was great as I had deep confidence in Geum Tae-seop.

At the time, Im Chae-jin, who was caught in the middle, was the taste of death by the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office and Cho Sung-wook, the 4th Detective Director.

The Chief Swordsman asked him for public reflection.

“I thought of Director Sung-wook Cho, who is suffering from me, so I thought that I would just post the reflection written by the great swordsman, but I thought that it could be psychologically bad enough to change my life, so I said,'I don’t think it is right to use this.’ "Yes, if you think so, don't do it."

His contribution, which had been announced in 10 times, ended in 1 in the end, which ended his prosecutor's life.

It changed the life of the prosecutor with one article.

It may be remembered as one prosecutor's protruding action, but it was a life-threat for Geum Tae-seop.

I don't know if it was a failed project, as he said, but he wasn't under pressure.

This incident is an important clue to what he is and how he works.

It was also said at this time that the love for the organization was expressed in a unique way.

This person is the protagonist of the CI that is currently being used.

The prosecution mark is the image of bamboo standing side by side, indicating the straightness of bamboo that does not break even in the rain.

It seems that the prosecution's mark, who says that he will not bend even though it is shaken by the wind, for some reason, foreshadows his life.

4. Some people say politics with anger, some with desire, and some with atonement, but you asked why.

He said he felt a sense of responsibility close to guilt toward this society, and because of that, he was not free to do politics.

This answer is hard to hear.

The answer that followed came into my ears.

He said it was because he was good at politics


He said it fits with his aptitude.

Politics was the only thing he said he was good at.

It means that since I can do politics well, I will contribute to society by doing well.

“I can communicate well. What I really feel frustrated with is that political leaders have to be able to go out and talk with people. Apart from getting questionnaires... we can't do that, but I can contribute in that respect. There is."

Taking Ahn Cheol-soo and Moon Jae-in as examples, he explained why he could be good at politics.

“There is a repertoire that always comes out every time there are people like Ahn Chul-soo and Moon Jae-in. The learning ability is so good, experts are surprising. In a way like this, our politics cannot represent the voters because there is only an idolatry-like process. I change that. I can contribute."

How long do you think you will be in politics?

I once said that if you do about 3 lines, you have to think about stepping back after that, but will that still change your thoughts?

The answer to this was not very clear.

Instead, the political goals he pursued were clear and clear.

"I don't think there is a culture that values ​​loyalty like our country. If a friend tells us that they greet the rain together, then we can succeed as a politician and have a comfortable stay, but I don't think that is what our society really needs.

I don't

think we need a politician who

breaks the culture of loyalty



I think politicians who respect liberalism, individualism and diversity are the politicians we need in our society."

He said he would soon announce his run for the mayor of Seoul.

I asked why you should be at this point, what will change if you are marketed, and his answer in this passage was somewhat abstract.

His abstract answer can be solved and understood as follows.

This election is to check the current regime's runaway.

Every specific policy is not important, but politics is an important election.

If so, I am entitled to run for this election, who suffered the most persecution from the current government, and if I win the election, it could hurt the most.

That's why I'm out and trying to appeal to the voters to film me.

He appeared on almost all TV shows and talked about why he was running for the mayor of Seoul, but I'm sorry, but there are few stories left in his head.

I lifted the flag, but I can't see anyone gathering under the flag, and above all, I doubt how long this person will also hold this flag.

Words such as liberalism, pluralism, and communication are engraved on his flag.

What I mean and what he is going to do, I think I know and don't know, but the blueprint he shows is not very clear.

5. Ahn Chul-soo, Korea, and Geum Tae-seop resemble somewhere.

They are well-learned people, capable, and recognized for their expertise in their field.

It is similar to the rich people who seem to have no money worries.

It is also common to feel like a celebrity before a politician.

They are people who have a lot of things that people want to have.

When talking about Keum Tae-seop's life, Korea and Ahn Chul-soo are the people who cannot be left out.

I turned cold now, but there was a time when Ahn Chul-soo was everything to this person.

In 2012, he beat his job and spent his money on his job to make Ahn Cheol-soo president, but at one point he was headed behind by Ahn's declaration of'withdrawal'.

A book titled “I Want to Have a Winning Opposition Party” that looked at the problems of Ahn Cheol-soo's Jinyoung in 2012 is still worth reading.

It is a kind of reflection, and there are many names of Ahn Chul-soo here, but Geum Tae-seop does not even express the expression'I gained trust and trust from Ahn Chul-soo in this way'.

He calls the Ahn Cheol-soo camp in the Gongpyeong-dong building as Hansako's <Sinsim Camp>.

This is to emphasize that it is not an organization for Ahn Chul-soo, but a voluntary gathering of people who dreamed of new politics.

He doesn't hide his displeasure about being called Ahn's aide.

At the time of writing this book, it is also the time when his relationship with Ahn Cheol-soo was out of order, but this thought seems close to his true intentions.

"It doesn't mean that helping someone for the success of something makes you an entourage. Moreover, the nuance of the term reminds me of a pre-modern military-god relationship. I was upset every time I heard this... I have never seen it and have never been angry."

If I

criticize Ahn Chul-soo in

<I Want to Have a Winning Opposition>,

I think I can do it as much as I can.

He seemed to think that the more he sweared, the less he looked.

He replaced the criticism by saying that Ahn Cheol-soo could not distinguish between public and private.

The two people with many similarities were similar, so I had a feeling that the conflict would deepen in the future.

Fatherland was the first person to visit because he thought that politics should not go as it is, and he was also a supervisor of his doctoral course.

When I was at the prosecutor's office, I worked together several times, and'I was very close even in the early days of the current government and discussed various things with each other'.

The relationship was so flawless that he had invited his comfortable friends and Professor Cho Kook to his home with a married couple.

Because of this relationship, when the situation in his country broke out, his worries were deep.

"In fact, from my point of view, there were a lot of things I could get out of while pretending to be a little nice and polite. Congressman Park Joo-min said he couldn't do anything in front of us because he has a special relationship with his country. Where is the relationship…"

At least dozens or millions of supporters of the motherland grind their teeth to hear him, and as many as many opponents of the country listen to his questions, counting the strokes of the letters.

It goes without saying that more and more people tried to find the essence of the complex motherland situation in his words.

He said he was the first to think that re-election could be difficult during a hearing for his country.

6. I haven't seen anything angry.

I must have been as angry as anyone else, but I have never seen a voice raising in a public place.

He struggled a lot and played an active part in the general punting team, but it is hard to find him involved in such a fight.

Had it been awkward, would a senior member of the party have said this?

"Counselor Geum sometimes screams a little, yes. He never comes out."

There is hardly any blushing.

Even when you are angry, the principle of discrimination between public and private must be observed.

"I think the division of construction is very important. As a member of the National Assembly, if I think I should be angry, I get angry, but I just get angry. Then I think that's a private matter, so I shouldn't."

When I was running for the mayor of Seoul, I was curious about who would form a team with this person.

When I was in the Democratic Party, there was a saying,'Cho-Gum-Park-Hae'.

It refers to Eung-cheon Cho, Tae-seop Geum, Yong-jin Park, and Hae-young Kim, who speak of minority opinions within the party.

It is true that these people are bound together as a group, but it is questionable whether these people regard each other as comrades.

It is essential to have comrades who share the will, unless they are doing politics alone, but it is not easy for Geum Tae-seop to find such a person.

When leaving the party, no one has acted with this person, and no one in the district party followed this person to declare the party.

"I'm not good at bothering other people. If I call and tell other lawmakers to leave the party, these people can't stop talking to the party, and then the phone call itself would be a nuisance...in uncertain circumstances (Friendly I asked the party members to go out to the wilderness together, but if I fail, I thought about what would be for them."

This man was defeated by Kang Seon-woo, who can be said to be almost unknown in the regional race.

It means there was a hole somewhere.

It also means that there was a very big hole.

There was a saying that it was floating in the air, only on the outside, but a mess inside.

Those who support Geum Tae-seop said that Geum Tae-seop did not take care of the district very hard, but that the district official was not a mess.

People around the country said that they managed to manage their districts well enough that they ranked second in the country in the party audit, but such words are only excuses as they were defeated in the primary.

This person would have analyzed the pit in his own way, but in the end, wasn't it the limit of a person who does politics with his head rather than his heart?

Of course, it also shows that no one can survive in the Democratic Party as long as it is defined as a traitor.

7. This person tries to have everything.

In a word, I am greedy.

After graduating from Seoul Law School, he was a graduate of the judicial examination, so he was equipped with abilities. His father was a judge, and his father-in-law was a wealthy man who gave his grandson a big house in Gangnam.

He was born with a gold spoon in his mouth.

Since he was a prosecutor and a member of the National Assembly, he may not have enjoyed power, but he was undeniable that he was in power.

Of course, since everyone has their own cross, there may be no pain or weakness for this person, but it is difficult to find a person with such specs and experience in our society by looking at the appearance alone.

Although it has not yet established itself as a political power in our society, there is a class that is distinctly different from the previous conservative powers.

They meet good parents, have high-educated specs, and work in jobs that others will envy.

They have strong financial resources and are exceptionally sensitive to the reputation of others.

Representatives from the legal profession, formed around Seocho-dong Legal Town, are representative examples.

These people arrested the former president, and South Korea's top chaebol are also struggling in front of them.

In these days, the expression of nobility is not appropriate, but they are sometimes referred to as'Seocho-dong nobles'.

I asked if you were representative of a new and emerging class.

“There are really nobles there among my friends, and if I say that I am a noble in Seocho-dong, they will laugh. They are far superior to me, are elite, have good personality, and all are good, but I don’t think that anyone has spoken as much as I do. Some people may have been much more praised than me because of that, but I don't think anyone has spoken like me."

A person who entered college in 1986, and this person has no feeling of the so-called 386 generation.

He disagrees with this statement when he said that he is different from the 386 generation and does not seem to share emotions.

While I wasn't working hard when I was in school, most of my friends were in the activist circle, and most of the people I met and got close to in the political world were 386 generations.

The two words '386 generation' and'elite legal man' were woven together and asked for the identity of this person.

After his answers were followed, these words came out.

He would have wanted to say this most.

“A lot of people tell me that they are mainstream and aristocratic, but I would like to ask who from the activist circles said that during the country crisis, who went to the LGBT festival every year. I don't know what it looks like from the outside, but I have great conflicts and sacrifices in my own way."

7. During the past year in 2019, I wrote an article in the Hankyoreh Newspaper every other week under the title <How Geum Tae-seop's National Assembly Member Lives>.

It is by no means a short article with 27 pages of manuscript, but this person published 24 episodes once every two weeks without missing the deadline.

It is a bit tight to write with one person dedicated to this amount, but it is only surprising that he wrote this article during his busy legislative activities due to the situation of the motherland, the airborne law, and the adjustment of the prosecutor's right to investigate.

It is not unreasonable to hear that someone else wrote it or not.

When it comes to writing, seeing that this person, who is also an expert in public figures, made an effort to sharpen bones, it seemed like a daunting work.

The media company that left this much space to active lawmakers is also amazing, and his ability and efforts to maintain a balance between the opposition parties that there were no protests from the opposition party while filling the wide space are amazing.

You can see immediately that Tae-seop Geum's writing is this person's writing by reading only a few.

This article is sensitive to paragraph breaks in short sentences with few complex sentences.

He is a person who strictly observes that writing should be written as easily as it is said.

The book, The Eyes of Dicke, has been filmed in 18 prints since its first release in 2007.

Reading this book, you can see that all books that sell well have a reason.

He said that there are six books that have been published so far, but no one has been out of print yet.

Deserve to be proud

You can see from this man's book that this man's words that the writer is a dream are not just words.

His office in a rather narrow alley in a residential area in Hannam-dong was like a study study for a researcher working hard.

When I came out of the House of Representatives, I organized a lot and said that there are still about 3,000 books.

He said that there were many books he hadn't read, but there seemed to be none left for decoration.

It is thanks to my father who thought that books were a wealth and my mother who spent his entire life with them, but he is a lover and a collector.

"If someone talks about a book and I don't have it, I get angry. Most of the books that others talk about are bought."

Geum Tae-seop himself once said this.

Whenever I hear the word liberal or conservative, it is embarrassing.

They feel that it doesn't make much sense to weigh conservatives and progress.

They believe that there is no meaningful policy difference between the opposition parties in Korean society, especially in the political world.

You don't seem to be ideologically oriented, so you don't seem to be a theorist, but with a slightly spitting expression,

you are progress


When you ask, I answer, but you seem to want to ask what is so important to you, and ask if you really want to hear the answer.

It looks like what is so big about progress in saying that action is not important.

8. Politicians are also consumed like idol stars.

Since appearing in the political world, this person has been walking the path of a typical political idol star.

There are not one or two politicians who are flashing at some point and then quickly forgotten.

Some see this person as a leader, while others see him as a rich man who wants to try politics because of his full and warm life.

He said that he feels a sense of responsibility for our community that is close to guilt, but this person always feels like he will stand up with a grunt, saying,'I have a lot of work to do without this.'

You may say that you have suffered from prenatal prenatal and air battles and condensed the hardships others have done over the years, but it is still a life with little curvature.

No, it is a life in which the size of the curve seems small.

Even the defeat of the election doesn't seem like a big ordeal to this person.

Even with the same success, it seems dramatic to some and natural to others, but Tae-seop Geum is the latter.

To him, success doesn't seem great, and failure doesn't seem fatal.

This is because the undisclosed inner background is deep.

It’s because I’m obsessed with talent and I can’t see it well.

I regretted a few words to this person using a question as an excuse.

This is because I felt that a person who is about 3rd class amateurs was poorly trained by a professional driver.

The prosecution is not a person who attempted a somewhat absurd level of rebellion, a lawmaker who was driven out after a bitter noise from the ruling party, and a witty Gangnam leftist born as a gold spoon.

What he did seemed easy.

Because he doesn't frown, doesn't scream, doesn't burst out of anger and doesn't shed tears.

However, listening to this man's story, nothing was easy.

Ease of speech did not mean that his life was easy.

It's not easy to see.

This person may not be the only one who needs to wash his eyes and see again, but his future is remarkable.

(The interview for this article was conducted with Editorial Writer Yang Man-hee at the office of Geum Tae-seop in Hannam-dong on January 19th.)